Friday, July 29, 2016

Morning Musings-Two Birthdays

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

How many birthdays do you have?  By this I don't mean, "How old are you?", rather, how many times have you been born?  I've been born twice.

Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again" (John 3:6).  He also said, "...unless you are [born again] you won't see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).  And Jesus said He was telling the truth!

Here in 1 Peter 1:3-9, Peter informs us that our "new birth" gives us a "living hope" and this through Jesus Christ's "resurrection from the dead".    It is also an "inheritance that never perishes, spoils or fades" and what's more, this treasure is "kept in heaven" for the one who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and is "born again" with that second birth.

Our first birthday being the day we were physically born as a baby with spirit, soul and body into an earthly family.  The "new birth" being discussed is not reincarnation into a new higher or lower life form, rather it is a "spiritual birth" and the Holy Spirit comes to indwell us and enliven us with His presence; our body being then the "temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Corinthians 3:16).

Justification, atonement for our sins through Jesus's death and resurrection--paying for the penalty for our sins so we do not have to, and accepting Jesus's free-to-us offer of salvation. This is that born again, new birth.  Through this we gain atonement for our souls, forgiveness of our sins and eternal life.

We start this new life by being spiritually born again, this time, into God's family.  Like most parents want to see their cute little baby grow in health and size, God our Heavenly Father, wants to see us "grow up" in this new life.  He gives us His Holy Spirit, as mentioned above, to help us.

To 'grow up' we may often have to go through the pain and grief of suffering in ever increasing conformity to God's will and way in order to grow our faith and so that it becomes "of greater worth".

In James 5:15 we learned that sometimes our suffering is from sin lingering and/or festering in our lives that we don't deal with.  When we repent and confess it to each other and to God we will often be healed of sickness.  (See also the blog entry: The Spin Off. )

However, there are other types of suffering perpetrated by others; through persecution, for instance.  Will we, by God's grace, persevere so that "it may prove our faith [new birth] genuine"?  Will we believe that God has our best interests at heart despite the suffering?

Point your attention to this new birth being an inheritance that is "kept in heaven for you".  Praise the Lord for this!  God gives us eternal life and he insures it.  No matter how we might fail in living this new life for His glory--we will not lose it.  We will always be in His family.  God will not disown us.  He is keeping our treasure "in heaven".  Do you get it?

We human beings often make a mess of things and easily lose our earthly inheritance through mismanagement of funds or in what ever way.  God takes no chances with something this important.  He looks after this eternal inheritance for His children.  Isn't God great and good?!  Give Him praise, glory and honor.

God promises that our trials and sufferings are for "a little while"  even though for us it may seem like a millennium.  God's perspective is from eternity to eternity unlimited.  Try to see it from His viewpoint.  To us the bucket may seem full and overflowing but try to see how God sees it.  Our days, weeks, months, or years of suffering are like one drop of water in a big bucket to Him.  Doesn't exactly sound comforting, I know.

This second birthday doesn't seem like a very good deal and you may be thinking, "suffering?!"  "No thanks, forget it, I'm out of here!"  But stop!  Focus on the outcome of the suffering when we submit to God's refining fire in our lives; like that sanctification process we investigated in the book of James.

What are the benefits?  We gain perseverance, we change and develop toward maturity and completeness; wisdom; a deeper degree of faith and we prove our faith genuine, that it has back bone.  Best of all we are assured and insured for life; everlasting life.  God is keeping our inheritance for us.

You know who proved his faith genuine?  Job did.  If you read the early chapters of the book of Job in the Old Testament you'll see that he was an exceedingly wealthy man.  He had it made!  He was also generous and charitable with his wealth.  Most importantly, he feared God.

Yet, in one fell swoop, his family, wealth and health evaporated.  Would he curse God and die as his wife suggested he do?  No.  His retort to her was, "You are talking like a foolish woman.  Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?"   The verse ends with, " all this, Job did not sin in what he said."  (Job 2:9, 10).

When we believe and trust in God our Father, we will have "inexpressible and glorious joy" (vs 8).  Reach "the goal of your faith" (keep this in mind when tempted to give up) which is"the salvation of your souls".  I really want to be able to say to all the readers, as well as to my sons...


Press on, you will reach your goal in Christ.

Father God, thank You for your presence in our lives through your Holy Spirit.  Help us all reach the goal you have for us.  In Jesus's Name I ask...Amen

                                                               ~ERC  2016~

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