Saturday, July 9, 2016

Morning Musings-For Your Own Good

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Now we are at the last bit of the book of Hebrews;  chapter 13:17-25, to be precise.  Here we find talk about leaders and how the Hebrews were urged to obey and submit to their authority over them.  In return the leaders would keep watch over them.  It almost seems though that the leaders are watching each minute detail of their lives and especially as it says, they watch "as those who must give account".  Accountants.  Every last little bitty bit will be examined and re-examined.  I used to take exception to this.  Many of us may not appreciate the authority figures in our lives because we want to do what we want to do not what someone else wants us to do nor do we like to have someone breathing down our necks.

These people, though are looking out for us more for our own good and not to tear us apart or humiliate us or anything like that.  God does put people over us as protection and whether or not they protect us is their responsibility between them and God.  Our part, at least those of us in the 'submitted group', is to obey as we too, will have to answer to God for our behavior.

When we do obey our leaders, it makes their job so much easier and "a joy".  When we don't we are "a burden" to them.  Do we want to make ourselves a joy or a burden?  Ponder that.  God's Word says that if we are a burden it is "not an advantage" to us.  So what will you do?

 I believe that if we are a burden to our leaders then they won't be able to focus on their other responsibilities of serving God among the group of believers in any given  place.  Let us not make it difficult for them nor waste their time but partner with them in living aright for our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.  Serve Him, not yourself.

Jesus is our ultimate Leader and Shepherd.  Think of that, now.  And He "will equip us with everything good for doing His will".  Let Him.  Open yourself to Him.  He "will work in you what is pleasing to Him".  Do His will and look out for His interests, not our own.  When we live for Him, then we will indeed be a joy to our earthly leaders if and when they too live for Him.  We will then glorify Jesus Christ by our obedience and submission.

Herein is also that "training in righteousness" that is needed for life's journey that helps us through our trials and tribulations.  It is good discipline and moves us to His will for our lives.  Our submission would then be not out of duty but an action from the heart, overflowing with adoration for God and Jesus.  There would be an overflow of gratitude and thus an outpouring of service for Him.  It's all for our own good.

The writer of Hebrews requested prayer for himself to have a "clear conscience" and that he would live honorably in every way" and that he would be "restored to them" (vs 18, 19).  He seems to be a good example of being "a joy".  Let this be a prayer for our leaders and ourselves too; bulwark them in prayer. 

Earlier we learned about remembering those who were in prison.  It seems this writer of Hebrews must have been in prison at the time of writing this letter,  thus the prayer "to be restored to them".  There is also mention of Timothy having been "released" (vs 23).  So two more of their leaders were coming...

The Hebrews were also to greet their leaders.  This would show acknowledgement of them and hopefully a relationship that allowed pleasant and affectionate greeting; not criticisms, or grumbling and complaining about the leaders to others and then smiling pretty and shaking the leaders' hands on the other side.  If they decided to be a joy, it would be sincere greeting.

Greetings were to go to "all God's people" (vs 24) as well.  When we are at peace with each other and able to show that brotherly love,  all our greetings will be sincere and easily given.  

May God's grace be the oil and balm that brings us under the authority of God through our church leaders in obedience and submission and as a joy to them.  All this is for our own good.

                                                                    ~ERC  2016~

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