Friday, July 1, 2016

Morning Musings-Hall of Faith Fame

 Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Yesterday we read about the Hebrews being from a line of "good stock" of persons of faith.  Carry that thought over to here from Hebrews 10:39, those addressed here in Hebrews 11 were "not those who shrink back and are destroyed" but "of those who believe and are saved."

What follows is a whole pedigree of the stalwarts of faith in God and His promises to them.   Some of these saw those promises fulfilled in their lifetimes but some did not.  Yet of those who did not, their faith did not falter; they believed that God would, in His good time, bring to fruition what He'd promised.

Many of these even faced dire circumstances:  destitution; persecution and many troubles, yet through it all they clung onto their faith and trust in God.  What a wondrous example still to us, in this day and age!  Are we of this stalwart stock too?

God promises us the hope of eternal life and that Jesus is "coming soon".  Do we hold on to that hope?  It's a sure hope, I believe.  Despite the huge troubles that can come to us human beings, will we still be firm and steadfast in our trust in God?  I hope I will be.  I hope and trust and pray that you, my sons, will be too!

Follow Their Faith

                                                                     ~ERC   2016~

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