Wednesday, July 13, 2016

He Knows

Hello there everyone!  A couple of days ago a friend suggested I listen to a Jeremy Camp song, the one entitled He Knows.  I'm not much 'in the know' with songs but as I listened to the lyrics as he sang, I found the sentiments truly touching down in the soul and spirit of my being.

This goes well with the last two blogs I've published of the Morning Musings series:  The Higher Calling and Happens to Everyone based on James 1.  Many trials come our way and the wonder of it all is that He, our loving Heavenly Father, God, knows.  He knows all about it.

 Please go and have a listen to Jeremy's song.  Close your eyes, listen and absorb the words as he sings.  May you be blessed, comforted, refreshed and encouraged to withstand the test.  The crown of life is waiting for you.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

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