Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Law of Jealousy (Numbers 5)


At first scoop, this portion from Numbers 5:11-31 makes the blood pressure rise, at least for me, as a female and a wife.  How unfair to put the onus of a jealous husband on to the wife!!

The unfaithfulness of a wife could be true but what about unfaithful husbands, why is there no mention or law for them spoken of here?  No doubt, I don't deny wives can be unfaithful but with whom is she being unfaithful?  Also, what were the attitudes and actions of the husband to precipitate that unfaithfulness?  Mind you, I'm not saying that that particualr wife was justified in her wrongful actions.  But what about the husband who could be overly sensitive or have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?  Or perhaps it was triggered by the husband's own evil desires for someone elses' wife himself.  Shouldn't he pull the log out of his own eye first?

All these kinds of thoughts tumbled about through my mind and made me angry.  On the other hand, I fiercely reminded myself, "this is God's Word - God is a just God."  So for several days these thoughts tormented.

This morning, sincerely and with more of an attitude to 'listen' to God's Word, I prayed and asked for understanding and help.  

"Lord help me to see this issue from Your perspective."

Rereading the portion, yet again, I was able to see that God really was protecting the innocent wife from a potentially overly jealous husband.  The method of detection of truth would thwart a vindictive or obsessive or wrongly suspecting husband and so I began to relax and my anger began to melt away making me to read it all again, this time with tears of gratitude to my just God.

When you reread those verses again for yourself, take note of that wonderful two-letter word, 'IF!'  There are several of them in those twenty-some verses.  

'If" gives allowance that the husband could be wrong with his suspicions.  The 'if' gives the innocent wife reprieve and confidence that the accusations against her will be exonerated.

This wife can stand tall before the LORD at the Tent of Meeting and in front of the officiating priest and her jealous husband with the poise and dignity that comes from truth revealed.  Therefore, she can calmly and solemnly state,

"Amen. So be it" (verse 22),

when the ritual and curse of the Law of Jealousy are prescribed and pronounced upon her by the priest.  The fearsome curse will have no effect upon her.  She can go in peace.

I'm not so sure how the marital relationship will recover thereafter though.

                                                ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Numbers 5:11-31 NIV.

Sing, Walking Free, along with Micah Tyler.

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