Saturday, February 10, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Go Home and Tell


"Jesus did not let him but said, "Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how He has had mercy on you.  So the man went away and began to tell..." (Mark 5:19 & 20).

The Lord had done so much for the man who'd been so wild and tortured by a legion of evil spirits.  Jesus' mercy upon Him had impacted him and he had much to tell.  Jesus sent him to tell that message to his own people.

Indeed, Jesus had made "all things beautiful" for that man.  It is good to tell out what Jesus' mercy has done for us too.  What is it?  Do you realize?  Search your heart and mind.  Figure it out then go and tell your people what great things He has done for you.

I've been reading about Saint Patrick.  A biography and some of his prayers that came out of the excruciating circumstances of life that befell him.  (Yes, Saint Patrick was a real figure in history [AD390]).

The abject, deplorable situation he was immersed in, jolted his mind and heart and he turned to God whom he had been rejecting.  God helped him and he escaped.  He then had a message to tell of how much the Lord had done for him.

Each of us can tell such a story, maybe not as dramatic or drastic, but of our own respective encounters with God's mercy.  However, over all, it was because of Jesus' pivotal, unselfish acts of love, mercy and grace when He died on the cross for our sins.  That was the time He bought our pardon and made reconciliation between God and mankind.  We can now shout, "Hallelujah!"

We cannot

 "fathom all God has done for us from beginning to end" (see Ecclesiastes 3:11) 

but we can praise Him for all we know and remember.  It is enough to warm our hearts in grateful praise and to then go and tell our own people whether they be family, friends, or neighbors or some people group on the far side of the world from our own culture.

As we partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine this Lord's Day in remembrance of Jesus' act of love and mercy for us, let us fix our thoughts on all He has done for us.  Give Him our praise and adoration and then go forth, and tell....

Our God and Father, we humbly give you our thanks and praise for all You have done for us through Jesus' death and resurrection.  You have done everything beautifully for us.  We cannot understand it all and so all we can do is give you our thanksgiving and then 'go home' and tell all to others.  

In Jesus name we give you our thanks.  


                                                  ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Ecclesiastes 3;11; Mark 5:1-20 especially verses 19 & 20.

Sing, To God Be the Glory, along with Northern Baptist Association.

Try out this link for a book review about the life and prayers of Saint Patrick.  The book title Praying With Saint Patrick.

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