Sunday, February 18, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Many Blessings (CNY 2024 Special)


At this current time of writing, it is the Lunar New Year season of festivities (otherwise known as Chinese New Year).  There is much food, fun, and many family, friends togetherness and fellowshipping going on.  There are lots of talk and symbols of material prosperity and blessing.  We believers and followers of Jesus talk about blessings too and rejoice over what He has granted us.

It is good to recall what the apostle John wrote regarding Jesus...

"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another" (John 1:16 NIV).

Because of God's grace we receive His blessings through Jesus.  Not just one blessing, but blessing after blessing.

In life we many often feel there are no blessings due to difficult circumstances that seem to heap upon us one after another.  As Christians we have potential, through the Holy Spirit and God's Word working in us, to discover and discern what kinds of blessings we do have.

We can search for those blessings that are unshakeable and eternal.  Let our minds dwell and ponder on these.  They can become an anchor to our souls as we find that way out our caring, loving Heavenly Father shows us.

Ephesians chapter one names many such of these abundant blessings.  Read and discover these spiritual blessings we have in Christ.  We have been chosen by Him and adopted into His family.  We are God's sons and daughters.

Think upon these and the many more as  you search the Scriptures daily.  What's more as we gather together as the Church on any given Lord's Day to remember all our Savior Jesus has done for us through His death and resurrection.

Partake then of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine in remembrance of Him.

Give thanks with a grateful heart for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us this Chinese New Year season and for the whole year through until Jesus calls us to glory.

Savior Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross for each and everyone of us who have come in faith to You for the salvation of our souls.  Thank You for Your love and obedience to Your Father's will.  It is through You we have many of God's blessings bestowed upon us that no one could ever take away from us nor separate us therefrom.

Thank You so much, Jesus.

                                                   ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on John 1:16.

Sing, Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart, along with Henry Smith/Don Moen.

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