Tuesday, February 6, 2024

God's Orderliness (Numbers 1 & 2)


It makes me smile to read Numbers chapters 1 & 2.  Some may think the lists of names boring and I admit it can get tedious.  However, reading the two chapters together makes me appreciate something about God.

God likes things to be done decently and in order.  Look and see how He organized those two million or more Israelites.  It was clan by clan, tribe by tribe and they encamped in certain order around the Tablernacle (or Tent of Meeting, as some may prefer to call it).  When they decamped, the group of three tribes led by Judah always set out first, followed by Reuben's group of three, then Ephraim's and last but not least, the rearguard led by Dan.

The Levites were in charge of the Tabernacle and all things associated with it.  Only they could handle them and with regulated care.  They traveled protected by Group 1 & 2 at the forefront, and 3 & 4 at the rear.

There were further instructions for camping and marching forth but even through this small window we can see God's character reflected.

When you think about setting up your own home or a company, it takes a lot of thought, time and energy.  They are not simple tasks.  How about organizing this nation of Israel!?  Would you like to have tried it?

God did it so well and allowed Moses, Aaron, and the named heads of tribes and their leaders to help Him.  Willing obedient hearts got the task done, decently and in order.

Isn't God amazing!

I like how Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14:40.

"Let all things be done decently and in order."

Paul was not setting up or organizing the Tabernacle but he was organizing church and its practices.  If you read many of his letters to the various New Testament assemblies, you'll see this.

In this chapter he's talking more about the use of gifts God had distributed to the believers.  Specifically in this case, prophesy and speaking in tongues.  The 'owners' of these gifts were to keep things orderly because he said,

"For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all churches of the saints" (1 Corinthians 14: 33 KJV).

He further stated for the believers to "covet prophesy" but also for them not to forbid speaking in tongues (see 1 Corinthians 14:39).

Sounds like a time and a place for everything.  When we are spiritually attuned to our Heavenly Father, we too will come to appreciate God's orderliness and do things in proper and decent order.

God of Wonders, thank You for showing us Your character of orderliness even in the way we live our daily lives.  You do so love to have things done decently and in order.   You are order.  May each of Your children reflect this part of Your character too, giving You glory at home, work and church.  In Jesus' name I ask. Amen.

                                                 ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Numbers 1 & 2 and 1 Corinthians 14:40.

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