Thursday, February 8, 2024

They Are Mine (Numbers 3 & 4)

 It's a continued joy to read God's Word - even the book of Numbers - and see God's amazing orderliness.  In Numbers 3 and 4, He is giving further instructions about worship-related practices, especially regarding the Levite tribe who He consecrated for the tasks of setting up and taking down and transporting the Tabernacle, and serving in this work of the Lord.

Being the book of Numbers, there is a lot of counting going on too.  God was counting His Levite blessings - at least the males.  In some instances all males one month old or more, and in other cases, those males 30-50 years of age, who came to do the actual serving in the work in the Tent of Meeting (Tabernacle.).

Why God chose to set apart the Levite tribe for this huge responsibility I cannot tell.  Why He chooses you and me to come to  Christ, I also cannot tell you.  God's thoughts are not ours - they are so much bigger and higher than we could ever attain to (see Isaiah 55:8-9).  Yet, He knows the heart of each of us and recognizes a willing heart of faith.  For example, the difference between Moses, who eventually warmed to his task versus Pharoah who hardened his heart and eventually God hardened it for him.  A heart of faith and fear of God as seen in Moses, compared to the opposite in flagrant opposition to God as seen in Pharoah.  We do well to take heed.

I have often been in awe of the Levites.  The chosen out of the chosen nation to show what relationship with God and service to Him should look like.  Originally God wanted each and every family among the whole nation of Israel to dedicate their firstborn son to the Lord's service.  That would make a big impact upon each family.  Those among the readership here who have children and maybe only ONE child, and a son at that, how would you feel to offer up your precious apple of your eye to full time service for the Lord?

You had wanted him (or her) to be a doctor, pilot, astronomer, teacher, lawyer or whatever.  But God required you to give him for His service, whether at home or abroad, to be a sort of mediator in leading the rest of the nation or congregation or mission field in prayer, worship and instruction of the Lord.

What is it the Lord your God requires of you today?

Stop here.

Bow your head. 

Be quiet before the Lord.

What would your answer to Him be?

Write it down in your journal.  Pray over it.

Not only would you wrestle with answer and follow-through action, your husband or wife or your firstborn would need to be in agreement.  Have any of you missed the mark?  What needs to be done to realign to God's will?  Do I need to repent and confess anything?  Jesus will forgive when you do, releasing you to do His will (see 1 John 1:9).  

Like Jonah who eventually went and did his prophesying in Nineveh or the reluctant Moses who eventually got his feet under him and went to do God's bidding, so can we where we are sent or to the releasing of our son or daughter to be sent.  We are not robots though, so God allows us our choices.  He wants the choice to do His will to come willingly from our heart.  So be it Lord.  It's like Isaiah saying,

 "Here I am!  Send me" (Isaiah 6:8).

Will you and I be counted in the numbers' count of males (and females) in which God says, 

"They are to be mine.  I am the LORD."

May the Lord set His seal upon us as we willingly give ourselves and/or our sons and daughters, no matter how young, to spending time in His presence and going forth to do His service.

Lord Jesus, I humbly bow before You in reverant awe.  You Yourself were given by God Your Father, His firstborn son, sent to earth, enduring the shame and pain, and willingly going to the cross to die, taking the punishment for my sins.  You had been set apart for this.  You were counted even before You were a month old.  And when You got to the 30-50 year age of actual active service (per the Levites of Numbers 3 &4), You started 'active duty' going forth to the towns and villages preaching, teaching, healing, and interacting with the throngs of people.  In the end, the wages of my sin were upon Your shoulders and You bore the punishment that I might receive the gift of God - forgiveness of sins and eternal life through You, Lord Jesus.  Thank You for Your consecrated sacrifice and teaching me Your way.

May I now live such a dedicated life.  May my spouse and children hear Your call upon them too and together, may we ever accept the service You give us to do, remembering to spend time in Your presence and the presence of God before we go forth to minister among the people.  Thank You for making me Yours.

In Your name Lord Jesus, I ask.  Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Numbers 3 & 4.

Sing, Take My Life, and Let It Be, along with Reawaken Hymns.

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