Friday, May 19, 2023

The Holy Spirit

 Since Jesus ascended into Heaven He has been ruling Heaven and praying for those of us on earth who are followers of Jesus Christ.  Comforting thoughts for those of us who belong to Him, especially in view of Jesus' second coming some day soon, where He will come as Judge, to judge those who do not believe in Him.

This is a terrifying thought; therefore, before this second coming, we believers in Jesus Christ must spread the message of Jesus before it is too late for others to accept Jesus as Savior.

When a person does the right thing by repenting of their sins, asking Jesus to wash them away with His blood and accepting Jesus as Savior, He forgives them and immediately sends His Holy Spirit to indwell that person.  The Holy Spirit will help that person to understand God, Jesus and the Bible in a more comprehensive yet relatable way.  The Holy Spirit takes care of this new child of God, as He does for each and every follower of Jesus Christ.

This is like loving parents who are supposed to take care of their children.  Or, like teachers who are supposed to educate, train, and disciple their students.  The Holy Spirit lives in people who have done the right thing and believed in Jesus.

Praise the Lord, the Holy Spirit will never leave them.  Sometimes we hear one child say to another when they are upset with them, "I'm not going to 'friend' you anymore."  So even supposedly very good friends, separate and leave.  Some parents abandon their family.  Some parents hurt their family members but the Holy Spirit will never do that and He will never leave.

The Holy Spirit helps God's children to understand God's plan for their life.  The plan might be revealed bit by bit, but slowly it will unfurl with the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Much of this guidance will be through the reading and meditating upon God's given word.  As one reads, the Holy Spirit helps the person to understand the meaning and how it applies to the individual's life.

When we know and understand, the Holy Spirit then convicts one to obey Jesus in that particualr area.  As the person obeys, they are guided into all God's truth.

To be clear, the Holy Spirit convicts but it's up to the person to decide to obey or not.  They are not coerced.  The person still has free will.

It's like being at a fork in the road.  The choice is up to the person.  However, they need to consider well.  The wrong choice has its consequences equally as how the right choice of obedience has its blessing in a follower's spiritual growth, life and quite likely, even in the physical well-being sense.

As you look back almost 2000 years, to the day the Holy Spirit came for the first time, you can see obvious difference.  God had promised back in Old Testament times, more than 400 years prior to this event that the Holy Spirit would come.  In the New Testament Jesus promised the disciples the Holy Spirit would come to comfort and counsel them.

This big day is called, 'Pentecost'.  Forty Days after Jesus' resurrection plus 10 days after His ascension, the Holy Spirit came.  Thus, 'Pentecost'.

What another pivotal happening in history!  The disciples were huddled, rather fearfully, in the upper room.  Suddenly, 'tongues of fire' descended upon the followers of Jesus', galvanizing them into action (see Acts 2:1-4).  Fear evaporated, courage took hold, tongues were loosed into speaking other languages and these followers became confident and effective witnesses for Jesus.

Prime example was Peter who had often put his foot in his mouth when he spoke but became a mighty orator.   One time as he spoke more than 3000 people came to Christ.  No doubt the other disciples were busy effectively witnessing too (see Acts 2:14-41).

The new languages on their tongues had purpose - not just spouting gibberish for accolades.  Many people from all over the then known world came to the area to trade and even to worship.  They heard the message of Jesus in their own tongues!  What an amazing marvel!

Another name for the Holy Spirit is, "The Spirit of Truth".  Truth about Jesus was being spoken.  Those who had the Holy Spirit could now understand the truth of who Jesus was, about His death, resurrection and ascension.  In turn, they could explain all to the variety of listeners.

Those in turn, who accepted Jesus as Savior were then given the Holy Spirit to indwell them, helping them to live right and obey Jesus, and to pass the message along.

As John 16:13 tells us,

"When He, the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all truth".

Praise the Lord, the Holy Spirit lives in followers of Jesus, making them brave, giving them power to be His faithful witnesses.  They come to understand more and more of Jesus' teachings and live in obedience for His glory and honor, speaking and living in this truth.

May we each realize the power and influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and live to shine for and please Jesus.  Thank you Father for your Holy Spirit.  In Jesus' name I give you praise.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on John 16:13, Kawan Grace Resource P4b, Lesson 2 - The Holy Spirit Helps Us.

Sing, Heavenly Father I Appreciate You, along with the Maranatha singers.

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