Thursday, May 25, 2023

Prayer - You Raise Me Up

Out of the ashes we rise, O Lord, as there is none like you.  Helpless and hopeless were we, until You brought us the hope of Jesus and Your Holy Spirit's help.

There are so many poor, blind, lame demon possessed, those who are harassed and discriminated against in this world.  You have raised many of these people up.  Raise more of them.  Let them know You love them, care about them and are on their side to bring them hope.

Jesus, you averted embarassment to another at the wedding in Cana.  The groom didn't know they'd run out of wine.  Neither did the MC.  The servants knew though.  You may well have also averted a scolding perpetrated upon these very servants for "poor planning".  How could they not have ordered in enough!  How were these miscalculations made?

Jesus quietly tells them to fill the water jars, then dip out and serve it.  It came out  the best wine ever!  Imagine that!  Miraculous!  You are so wondrous, Lord Jesus.

A miracle.  A sign.  A sign of Your glory, divinity and majesty.  Yet, few knew.  The disciples, your mother who nudged You and the servants knew where it had come from.  It was "done in a corner" but we know about it today.

It thrills me to think of it.  I think there must have been a grin on Your face as the MC got that first delightful taste.  His reaction startling to him.  I think this lack of wine was actually one of Your divine appointments to supply need in a very practical way and shows us what you can do and that no small thing is insignificant to ask of you.  This is so consoling to us now.

Your power and might are on our side today too.  Thank You.  You indeed raise people up, even me.

I love you, Lord.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on a prayer from my prayer book February 2023.

Sing, How Amazing, along with Jesus Culture.


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