Monday, May 8, 2023

Book Review - Tell Me the Dream Again - By Tasha Jun - Publication Date: 9 May 2023


Capturing the essence and basis of this book has been well done, I believe.  It has been so helpful, and I believe it will be a boon for couples with inter-racial marriages and  for  their children.  There is much that is the same for any married couple and their children, but oh, the vastness of the 'different',  which is addressed in this book.   

This story of how one Korean - American child coped through it all right into her adult years has long been coming.  What relief will be found for a reader in similar circumstances.  At last, there is someone who understands.  At last, there is license to be who I am and not have to hide ones' identity as a minority ethnicity in an overwhelming ocean of another.  On top of this, I really appreciated how the author brought in her faith and dependance on God as part of her equation for living.

I give 5-Star praise for author Tasha Jun who's been inspired to tell her story, like it was, and like it is.  I believe her story will help many people feel and find their own way 'home,' and able to "dream again."

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       January 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinionn based on the complimentary review copy send by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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