Saturday, May 27, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Rejoice in Your Presence

I'm so glad its the day we can meet together with other believers, to worship you and give thanks to Jesus.

It's a day to remember Jesus in His death and resurrection:  the power of the cross and bonds of death broken.  The power which brought salvation for your children who this Lord's Day, partake of the bread and wine showing once again Jesus' unselfish, loving act of grace on our behalf.

He stands in the midst of us through your Holy Spirit.  We give you our praise and adoration and thanksgiving from our hearts to yours.  We rejoice in the ambience of your love and grace, given freely and in abundance to all of us.  

In Your Son Jesus' name we turn to sing your praises.


                                                 ~ERC  May 2023~

Sing,  Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, along with Worship Lyric Videos.

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