Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Prayer - Words of Wisdom and Grace


Loving Righteous Father, you carry those you love in your thoughts, heart and arms.  You help them as they go about their day in ordinary routine or in extra duty, especially when they bring your words to others, explaining your will and ways, so that knowledge of you is spread far and wide and many will grow to love you more and build relationship with you in ever increasing measure.

May your children, given such opportunities speak with wisdom, love and care, showing your goodness, love and kindness.  May they shine for you.

Give them the grace to speak, what's helpful and spiritual - of good report.  Through such teachers may the 'students' be able to only see Jesus and not to idolize the teacher.  May they see Jesus is God and that they need HIM in their lives and to seek Him only, all their days.

May all those under such tutelage come to Christ and grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Father, may such students ask good questions and enable the teachers to give good answers, to speak well of You and Your son for Your glory and honor.  Make every session and opportunity bless the teacher and students alike.

I ask all this in Jesus' most precious name.  Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

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