Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Jesus as Judge


Jesus is coming back to earth a second time.  The first time He came from heaven, born as a baby in a stable.  He came out of love for humanity not so that Christians could celebrate His birthday on Christmas Day but so He could die on the cross to save us all from the punishment of our sins and redeem our sinful, fallen nature back for God His Heavenly Father.

Some people think they should die for their own sins, paying their own penalty.  Yet, out of love, mercy and grace, Jesus chose to die for all mankind, taking their punishment for their sins upon Himself.  So He died, shedding His blood to wash away our sins.  He died, was buried but raised again on the third day.  We call this "resurrection".  This means, "Jesus is alive!".  His tomb stands empty.  Tourists from all around the world visit Israel and stop by the supposed tomb of Jesus.  It's empty.  God's not dead, He's alive.

Back in those ancient days many people saw Jesus alive, walking around, teaching, eating, not as a ghost or a vision, but alive and breathing - the resurrected Christ.  The disciples, Peter, James, Paul and more than 500 people at one time, saw Jesus alive, post resurrection.  These added up to ample witness to establish His resurrection.  This is truth.

What happened next was that after 40 days, Jesus took His disciples out to the Mount of Olives and while He was talking with them, He ascended back into Heaven.  The disciples, gazing intently upward, saw Him go.  We call this, "The Ascension of Christ".   He's back with His Heavenly Father in Heaven (see Acts 1:10-11).

In a nutshell, this was the first coming of Christ:  His birth, His death, His burial, His resurrection and His ascension.  Our living, loving Savior is currently ruling in Heaven as King.  He's praying for us up there, for our good and benefit here on here on earth.  This is happening between Jesus' first coming and the second coming to come.  It is the time for all of Jesus' followers to be pro-actively active in telling out the message of God's love, care and salvation through Jesus Christ.  Now is the time before Jesus' second coming.

When Jesus comes back the second time He is not coming as a baby nor will He die for our sins again.  That work was all completely finished and accomplished.  He is coming back as a Judge.

God appointed Jesus to be Judge of the living and the dead (see Acts 10:42).  He'll come in blazing fire, glory and majesty, as the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and the Judge of all judges who will judge all of the earth.  He will decide what and who is right and who is wrong in the eyes of God.

Those who do right are those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior - they have said, "Yes!" to Jesus, repenting of their sins and asking Jesus to wash their sins away with His blood.  He will forgive them.  He will make them a new creation in Christ and send them His Holy Spirit immediately.

The Holy Spirit will help them to do what's right every day and obey Jesus.  They are now on their way to heaven where there is no more sadness, sickness, sorrow or suffering.  There's no more tears.  The person now has power to share the message of Jesus.

By contrast, the most serious wrong is established when a person rejects Jesus.  They say, "NO, I don't want him!"  Because of this there is no new spiritual life.  There is only sinfulness and the desires of their own heart and spirit.

The result is they will indeed have to take their own punishment, which is to end up in hell, in an everlasting living death where there is no relenting of suffering and pain.  They had no repentance, no Holy Spirit, therefore, no power and no message to proclaim.  This is the dreadful, sad truth.

So Jesus is coming back to earth to judge all people.  Right now though, is the time to do right.  Repent and accept Jesus.  Say "YES" to Him.  When He comes the second time there will be no more second chance to accept this gift of salvation.

So who made Jesus boss?  God did.  God made Jesus to be Judge so we cannot say anything against His verdicts and punishments to be meted out.  

To sum up, Jesus is alive.  He loves us.  He wants us to accept His gift of salvation NOW.  Our chance is NOW.  He's coming back a second time and soon.  Be ready.  Jesus is the Judge and will see if we are right or wrong.  Accept Jesus as Savior today.  He gives you His Holy Spirit to indwell you and to help you to do all that is right.  You need Him.

Here's the verse that tells us Jesus is Judge and on whose authority.

"Jesus is the one whom God appointed as Judge of the living and the dead" (Acts 10:42).

My prayer is that one and all will accept Jesus as Lord and Savior before it is for ever too late.  Now is the time before Jesus comes back the second time.

Thank you Jesus for loving me so much and making me your child.  Thank you for the chance to accept your gift of salvation here and now.  In your most precious name I give you praise and thanks.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on Acts 10:42 and Kawan Grace Resource P4b Lesson 1.

Sing,  Judgement Day, along with the Dunaways.

Note:  I'm aware that the rapture will happen before this day of judgement happens.  You could say that what is described above is Part B of the second coming.  Technically the rapture brings all the believers up to be with Jesus.  Jesus comes only as far as the clouds for this with his trumpet blowing the call to come up.  However, for the second part of the second coming He'll come and touch down on the Mount of Olives from whence He ascended back into Heaven so long ago.

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