Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day 2023 - Mothers - God Knew What He Was Doing


On this special day dedicated to Mothers, it is customary to reflect on all they've done and still do for their children.  From the moment a mother realizes she's "with child" to the magical moment she holds her newborn in her arms, and then raises that child with great love and care, together, hopefully, with her husband, she wants all the best for her child and so puts great energy and effort in so doing.

Along with these thoughts then, if this mother loses her child, whether he or she is still young, a teen or grown into adulthood, the heartbreak experienced from such a tragedy brings almost unimaginable pain.  However, I sincerely hope and pray any mother (and father) has family and community who gently care and administer postive, loving support.  Mother if you have no one to lean on, know this dear mother, that God is truly there for you.  Reach out to Him in your distress and deep anguish.  He does care about what has happened.

May such mothers have great strength and courage to pass through the days, weeks, months and even years ahead.  May they build grace and resilience in their character, trust in God their Heavenly Father, finding hope and healing for new days ahead.

You have been a mother!  Sweet but maybe bitter too but a blessing even to have held your child for a while.  Think on those precious minutes.  Honor your memory of this child take time to look at any photos you may have and remember him or her.  

Mothers, I understand and know what it is like but I've been able to get up and keep living and to live well by God's grace.  It is not to forget but to incorporate that love you've had for that child, and know it will never fade.  You will always hold a special place in your heart for your child even when you have other children to love, have and hold.

May all mothers, whether you've lost a child or not (I hope not) find peace, comfort and joy in your motherhood days.  Time is fleeting.  Cherish the moments.

My Mom has gone on to Heaven but I still remember how she loved me and was ready to hear me out.  She did have compassion and what I cherish highly is that she introduced me to Jesus.  Her best gift to me.  For all she has done for me, I'm truly grateful and thankful.

God knew what He was doing when He gave us mothers.  Be the best Mother you can be.

                      HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MOTHERS!

                                                       ~ERC  May 2023~

Sing, He Giveth More Grace, along with the Living Stones Quartet.

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