Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Book Review - Let's Build a Dam - By Daniel Fehr - Publication Date: 23 May 2023


The illustrations are the best part of this children's fiction book; very interesting and with eye to  detail.  It was good to 'see' children outside, engaging in healthy outdoor pursuits, having fun and learning some hands-on engineering skills.  Unless this is the main point and subliminal message of the book, I feel that the storyline is somewhat weak and unlikely.  One generally does not call criminals (the pirates) to come and join in play, at least, I believe children should be cautioned by overseeing parents or guardians.  After reading through three times, I was still left with a question mark in my mind, puzzling over it and wondering what I'd missed.   To give the story the benefit of the doubt, I'll give it 3 stars.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        January 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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