Monday, May 15, 2023

A Sacrificial Habit of Praise


"Oh, praise the Lord!"  could often and repeatedly be heard from one brother's lips.  Whenever anyone said anything positive, especially when it involved what the Lord had done for them, no matter what, he'd render praise, "Hallelujah" and/or "Praise the Lord!"

It got to the point where my children began to imitate this even in fun.  That was many years ago but they still remember this brother well, and for "old times sake" will uttter their "praise the Lord's" in like manner as they'd heard that brother declare the praises of the Lord.

It was rather "contagious" but in a very good way.  I thought of this, this morning while looking at Hebrews 13:15, which reads,

"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess his name."

It seemed an 'easy' sacrifice for our brother-friend.  Perhaps it wasn't easy, at first, for him to turn his sacrifice into a habit of praise.  he accomplished it though and it rubbed off on others.

When you combine this verse with the one in Philippians chapter 4 and verse 8, it can give you quite a punch.  Whenever you think of things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy, offer up that sacrifice to the Lord, praise Him wholeheartedly, 

"Oh, praise the Lord!"

Declare His mighty works in your lives by uttering His praises.  Make it a habit.  Get a journal and record the blessings in your lives - even the smallest ones.  Count them and sing that well-sung song, 

"Count your blessings name them one-by-one and it will surprize you what the Lord has done."

Turn it into a sacrificial habit of praise.

"Praise the Lord" and "Hallelujah!"

Father God, you have done so many great things for us.  We give you our praise even at times we are in the middle of troubles and may not feel much like praising.  Help us, your children, to count our blessings and praise you for them all.  In Jesus' precious name I praise and pray.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on Hebrews 13:15; Philippians 4:8 (NIV).

Sing, Count Your Blessings, along with Guy Penrod.

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