Saturday, May 20, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Draw Near


Lord Jesus, as we humbly come before you this Lord's Day, to fall at your feet and worship you, we give you our thanks and praise, remembering your death, resurrection and ascension back to your Father's home in Heaven.  We want to honor you with the fruit of our lips - giving you a sacrifice of praise that comes from the innermost sanctums of our hearts.

Because of your act of love on our behalf in reconciling us back to your Father God, we too can go to be with your someday.  We look forward to being with you - forever.

Until you come for us, thank-you for your interceding prayers, again on our behalf and for our good.  This too, another reason we want to follow you - our great and good Leader.  You have been such an excellent and perfect Master to the original disciples.  Empowered by Your Holy Spirit they were then obedient to your Father and to all your teachings.  All, that is, except for Judas Isacriot.  How your heart must have ached and mourned over him.

May this motivate our heart to do your will, O Lord.  Those disciples and many who followed after them, did follow you even unto death as you, their Lord and Master did.  They did not flinch.  In our minds we want to follow as closely too, but our hearts often still show reluctance - not as yet, full submission.

We hold back in reality.  Sorry Lord, that we are often so feeble, weak and faithless, not yet fully fit and mete for your service.  Help us.  Make us willing to be all out for you.  Let us focus our minds more on what you have done in being our Lord and Master and to have greater appreciation in following your good deeds, words, and in inviting others into your kingdom, and to experience and practice your presence in our lives.

You are here with us, even now as we reach for the broken bread, as we drink from that cup of wine - symbolizing your ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.  It's all about you Jesus in demonstrating God's love for us.  We now show your death, through this breaking of bread supper.

May this jar and reset our motivation as we also are enabled and empowered by your Holy Spirit to become fearless but wise, for you.  May we speak only what you want us to speak, and do only what you would do.  Stop us when we go off track.  Draw us back to you.

Jesus, that's what you did for the two depressed guys on the road to Emmaus.  You went to them, their hearts began to burn within them, you opened their eyes to see YOU.  They were galvanized and uplifted and with joy and greatly cheered, they hurried back to Jerusalem to tell the others (Luke 24).

So, Lord Jesus, draw us back to you, to your presence and pray we cherish not just Lord's Day mornings around your table, but to come daily into your presence and worship you.  More than that, to constantly act as if you are always at our side, because you are.

It's so freeing to realize this, so we can talk to you anytime, or sing a song of praise and give your our thanks in whatever we do.  You are our Leader, our Good Shephard, our Lord, Master, Savior and God.

Thank-You for all you have done and still do for us, for every single one of your followers.  It is in your name, Lord Jesus we can offer up our praises and thanksgiving.  Thanks.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2023~

(From my prayer book, Feb 2023).

Sing, InYour Presence, along with Paul Wilbur.

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