Sunday, May 28, 2023

A Witch Doctor Comes to Christ

 It's a great day when Satan gets shot down once again, and that's what happened the day Philip came to Samaria town.  Philip went about healing and doing miraculous signs snagging the townspeoples' attention. They caught the attention of Simon the Sorcerer too.

Prior to this event we read of the Holy Spirit of Truth descending on the 120 ++ disciples and the apostles assembled in the Upper Room (see Acts 1:18-26 & 2:1-4).  What appeared like 'tongues of fire' rested on their shoulders and came to live in them, was actually the Holy Spirit of God.  God and Jesus had kept their promise to send this Comforter who would lead and guide them into all truth and help them understand God and His word, and all of Jesus' teachings better.  He would help them do what was right and good that would please God.

The Holy Spirit empowered them to speak boldly of Jesus and the peoples' need of salvation.  Peter was prime example - he was given power to preach so effectively as to bring about 3000 people to Christ in one preaching session.

In the chapter of Acts we're looking at here (Acts 8), we meet Philip the Evangelist.  Persecution by Satan's hand, had overwhelmed the saints in Jerusalem and they scattered to outposts in Judea and Samaria, still with courage to preach and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ along the way as they traveled from place to place.

All glory be to God.

Philip got the peoples' attention through the miraculous signs in a place where similar wonders happened at the hand of the witchdoctor Simon the Sorcerer.  All the people from both high and low society had been amazed at what he could do.  What Philip performed through Holy Spirit power however, must have been over and above what Simon could do under Satan's power.

Once Philip had their attention, he then preached his message.  The people believed and were baptized.  Praise the Lord!  Even Simon the Sorcerer came to believe in Christ and was baptized, we're told.

This is where things get even more interesting.  Peter and John hear about all the people who were coming to Christ and came to give support to Philip by laying their hands on these new believers to receive the Holy Spirit.

I find this of interest because at first the Holy Spirit came on the first believers in an appearance of fire.  In this instance in Samaria, we see the Holy Spirit given through prayer and the laying on of the apostles' hands.  In Acts 10 we discover the Holy Spirit was automatically 

"poured out even on Gentiles" (Acts 10:44-46).  

These were upon Cornelius and those he had had in his home at the time.

From that time on until now the Holy Spirit just comes to indwell believers upon acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior (see 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ezekiel 36:27; 2 Timothy 1:14; Acts 6:5; Romans 8:11 and John 16:13).  He lives in us and can empower us equally as ever He did for Philip, Peter, John and others of that time.  

To get back to our story ... Simon the ex-witchdoctor, who now must have lost his occultic powers since believing in Christ, must not have been able to do his usual practice and therefore lost his source of income, big time.

He was totally amazed at how Peter and John could lay their hands on new believers to receive the Holy Spirit.  He wanted this capability too.  He offered money to Peter and John, attempting to bribe and buy them to give him the Holy Spirit and the power to pass the Holy Spirit along as they were doing.

If you read the full chapter, you'll see he was so wrong to ask this.  The Holy Spirit is a gift of God and He can never be 'bought'!  Peter and John sternly reprove him and ask him to repent of such wickedness.

This does bring me to remark on how the Holy Spirit worked in the Old Testament times.  He came 'on' people like Bezalel who was in charge of building the Tabernacle.  He and Oholiab were given extra portions of the Holy Spirit to perform their mastercraft handiwork with wisdom and skill (see Exodus 36:1).

King Saul once had the Holy Spirit come powerfully upon him but later an evil spirit took hold of him (see 1 Samuel 11:6 and 1 Samuel 16:14 NIV).

"Now the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD tormented him".

King David pleaded with God not to take the Holy Spirit from him.  This indicated he already had the Holy Spirit but could lose Him due to sin.  If you read Psalm 51:10-12, you'll see David's repentance.  David well knew what could happen as he'd witnessed it firsthand with King Saul.  After all, David was the harpist who played his music to calm King Saul down from his evil spirit attacks.

In our New Testament times we know the Holy Spirit is given as a gift of God and a seal - like a warranty, or a guarantee that Jesus will come to get us one day (2 Corinthians 1:22),

"He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come."

As believers in Jesus Christ we have the gift of eternal life and of the Holy Spirit's comfort and counsel all the way from the instant of salvation to instant of joining Jesus in Heaven at the Rapture call or through our death beforehand.  What a great assurance we have in Christ.  

To God be the glory!

Despite wrongs we continue to do, we do not have to plead as David did for the Holy Spirit NOT to leave us.  Notwithstanding, we do need to sincerely confess our sins as Jesus is faithful and just and will forgive and purify us (see 1 John 1:9).  David asked for God to purify him and said that God wanted a broken and contrite heart.  To this day, God still desires this - obedience to Him and to fear Him in all sincerity and truth.

The Spirit of Truth within in us helps us in this.  Jesus forgives. 

The Holy Spirit helps us to live righteously before God, teaches us His ways, helping us to understand Him and the Bible and how to obey Jesus.  He also gives us power to be faithful and good witnesses as Philip, Peter and John had been.

Peter was once afraid and kept behind locked doors with the other believers in the Upper Room.  The Holy Spirit gave them all courage to boldly proclaim Christ.  As mentioned earlier, in one of Peter's  preaching sessions about 3000 people accepted Christ.  The Holy Spirit gave him POWER to PREACH.

With Philip, he had POWER to HEAL, DO MIRACLES and to PREACH.  He did a lot of good but someone wasn't happy.

We know that was Satan, the father of lies - the evil spirit.  He made lots of trouble for the believers perpetuating persecution and then as one read about the witch doctor Simon's bribery request laced with money to 'purchase' Holy Spirit power and ability to pass on the Holy Spirit through laying on of hands.

It's good to keep in mind that the Holy Spirit of God is stronger than anyone and anything especially stronger than Satan and his minion demons.  Satan and these minions are stronger than people though.  Herein is danger if anyone wants to even just dabble in these out of curiosity or taking dares.  STAY AWAY!

These are unclean, evil spirits.

Those of us who have Christ as Savior have the Holy Spirit indwelling us.  Therefore, we are stronger with His power than Satan and his evil spirits.  That's why we can cry out to Jesus, we can overcome the evil one only with knowing and remembering this is God's power and nothing from our human selves.  It is the Spirit of Truth at work in us, who is our Helper and Guide.

This comes down to the realization that we should only depend upon God in our times of sickness and other troubles.  Do NOT go to witch doctors (or 'bomoh's - as they are called in my neck of the world).   Trust ONLY Jesus.

Jesus is the one through the Holy Spirit who gave Philip power to do the many miracles and to preach effectively.  So as Christians we must put our trust in God alone.  God has power over everything.  Realize that black magic, as per Simon the Sorcerer's "power" belongs to the evil one.  Trust only God because He is the only true God.

"The Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords; the Great God, mighty and awesome who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes" (Deuteronomy 10:17).

Look also at Ezekiel 20:29-30 NIV,

"The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery, 'they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the foreigner, denying them justice.  v 30. I looked for someone among them who would build the wall and stand with me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one."

Isn't this sad?  It is so profound and scary.  In Noah's day of total corruption and wickeness, God did find one - Noah - who was righteous.  He stood with God and built an ark.

In Ezekiel's day, no one, except for Ezekiel, I suppose,  stood with God in warning the people.  Yet because of their great wickedness, God would still pour out His wrath (see Exekiel 20:31).

In our day, how is it with you, brother or sister-in-Christ?  We have the Holy Spirit's power to convict us of our unrighteousness.  Will we repent and confess with a broken and contrite heart as the Holy Spirit convicts?  Will we then build walls of protection in Jesus' name to stand against the evil in this world?

Will we stand in the gap in prayer and even 'hands-on' to help any who might come to Christ?  Let us live by faith, walk in step with the Holy Spirit, listen and obey with discernment to know the Holy Spirit's leading and guidance in our lives and the lives of others He places in our sphere.  You just never know, a witch doctor may come to Christ and into the Kingdom of God, thereby knocking a few bricks from Satan's evil kingdom.

May God get the glory in Jesus' name, through the Holy Spirit working mightily within each of us.  He does all things well.

                                                 ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on Kawan Grace Resource, P4b Lesson 3 - A Black Magician ('bomoh' -pronounced bo - moh', both 'o's' as long 'o' sound)  Believes in Christ.

Sing, To God Be the Glory, along with Northern Baptist Association.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Rejoice in Your Presence

I'm so glad its the day we can meet together with other believers, to worship you and give thanks to Jesus.

It's a day to remember Jesus in His death and resurrection:  the power of the cross and bonds of death broken.  The power which brought salvation for your children who this Lord's Day, partake of the bread and wine showing once again Jesus' unselfish, loving act of grace on our behalf.

He stands in the midst of us through your Holy Spirit.  We give you our praise and adoration and thanksgiving from our hearts to yours.  We rejoice in the ambience of your love and grace, given freely and in abundance to all of us.  

In Your Son Jesus' name we turn to sing your praises.


                                                 ~ERC  May 2023~

Sing,  Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, along with Worship Lyric Videos.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Prayer - You Raise Me Up

Out of the ashes we rise, O Lord, as there is none like you.  Helpless and hopeless were we, until You brought us the hope of Jesus and Your Holy Spirit's help.

There are so many poor, blind, lame demon possessed, those who are harassed and discriminated against in this world.  You have raised many of these people up.  Raise more of them.  Let them know You love them, care about them and are on their side to bring them hope.

Jesus, you averted embarassment to another at the wedding in Cana.  The groom didn't know they'd run out of wine.  Neither did the MC.  The servants knew though.  You may well have also averted a scolding perpetrated upon these very servants for "poor planning".  How could they not have ordered in enough!  How were these miscalculations made?

Jesus quietly tells them to fill the water jars, then dip out and serve it.  It came out  the best wine ever!  Imagine that!  Miraculous!  You are so wondrous, Lord Jesus.

A miracle.  A sign.  A sign of Your glory, divinity and majesty.  Yet, few knew.  The disciples, your mother who nudged You and the servants knew where it had come from.  It was "done in a corner" but we know about it today.

It thrills me to think of it.  I think there must have been a grin on Your face as the MC got that first delightful taste.  His reaction startling to him.  I think this lack of wine was actually one of Your divine appointments to supply need in a very practical way and shows us what you can do and that no small thing is insignificant to ask of you.  This is so consoling to us now.

Your power and might are on our side today too.  Thank You.  You indeed raise people up, even me.

I love you, Lord.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on a prayer from my prayer book February 2023.

Sing, How Amazing, along with Jesus Culture.


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Book Review - Let's Build a Dam - By Daniel Fehr - Publication Date: 23 May 2023


The illustrations are the best part of this children's fiction book; very interesting and with eye to  detail.  It was good to 'see' children outside, engaging in healthy outdoor pursuits, having fun and learning some hands-on engineering skills.  Unless this is the main point and subliminal message of the book, I feel that the storyline is somewhat weak and unlikely.  One generally does not call criminals (the pirates) to come and join in play, at least, I believe children should be cautioned by overseeing parents or guardians.  After reading through three times, I was still left with a question mark in my mind, puzzling over it and wondering what I'd missed.   To give the story the benefit of the doubt, I'll give it 3 stars.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        January 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Prayer - For Salvation of Relatives

Almighty Father God, we cry out to you for all our relatives who as yet do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  How long, O Lord?

Bring them to realize You are the One true God, and that Jesus Christ is Your Son and that You love them so very much and want them to come to you.  Bring them to know that Jesus can be their Savior and Lord when they repent and accept your "free gift" of the water of life through the death and shed blood of Jesus and by His resurrection from the dead because He is now alive.  May they have this everlasting life from you.

Make all things beautiful in Your time but I know that time is running out.  May they see this as an urgent matter that needs to happen NOW!

I beseech you in the name of Jesus Your Son.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2023~

Sing, In His Time, along with the Maranatha Singers.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Draw Near


Lord Jesus, as we humbly come before you this Lord's Day, to fall at your feet and worship you, we give you our thanks and praise, remembering your death, resurrection and ascension back to your Father's home in Heaven.  We want to honor you with the fruit of our lips - giving you a sacrifice of praise that comes from the innermost sanctums of our hearts.

Because of your act of love on our behalf in reconciling us back to your Father God, we too can go to be with your someday.  We look forward to being with you - forever.

Until you come for us, thank-you for your interceding prayers, again on our behalf and for our good.  This too, another reason we want to follow you - our great and good Leader.  You have been such an excellent and perfect Master to the original disciples.  Empowered by Your Holy Spirit they were then obedient to your Father and to all your teachings.  All, that is, except for Judas Isacriot.  How your heart must have ached and mourned over him.

May this motivate our heart to do your will, O Lord.  Those disciples and many who followed after them, did follow you even unto death as you, their Lord and Master did.  They did not flinch.  In our minds we want to follow as closely too, but our hearts often still show reluctance - not as yet, full submission.

We hold back in reality.  Sorry Lord, that we are often so feeble, weak and faithless, not yet fully fit and mete for your service.  Help us.  Make us willing to be all out for you.  Let us focus our minds more on what you have done in being our Lord and Master and to have greater appreciation in following your good deeds, words, and in inviting others into your kingdom, and to experience and practice your presence in our lives.

You are here with us, even now as we reach for the broken bread, as we drink from that cup of wine - symbolizing your ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.  It's all about you Jesus in demonstrating God's love for us.  We now show your death, through this breaking of bread supper.

May this jar and reset our motivation as we also are enabled and empowered by your Holy Spirit to become fearless but wise, for you.  May we speak only what you want us to speak, and do only what you would do.  Stop us when we go off track.  Draw us back to you.

Jesus, that's what you did for the two depressed guys on the road to Emmaus.  You went to them, their hearts began to burn within them, you opened their eyes to see YOU.  They were galvanized and uplifted and with joy and greatly cheered, they hurried back to Jerusalem to tell the others (Luke 24).

So, Lord Jesus, draw us back to you, to your presence and pray we cherish not just Lord's Day mornings around your table, but to come daily into your presence and worship you.  More than that, to constantly act as if you are always at our side, because you are.

It's so freeing to realize this, so we can talk to you anytime, or sing a song of praise and give your our thanks in whatever we do.  You are our Leader, our Good Shephard, our Lord, Master, Savior and God.

Thank-You for all you have done and still do for us, for every single one of your followers.  It is in your name, Lord Jesus we can offer up our praises and thanksgiving.  Thanks.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2023~

(From my prayer book, Feb 2023).

Sing, InYour Presence, along with Paul Wilbur.

Friday, May 19, 2023

The Holy Spirit

 Since Jesus ascended into Heaven He has been ruling Heaven and praying for those of us on earth who are followers of Jesus Christ.  Comforting thoughts for those of us who belong to Him, especially in view of Jesus' second coming some day soon, where He will come as Judge, to judge those who do not believe in Him.

This is a terrifying thought; therefore, before this second coming, we believers in Jesus Christ must spread the message of Jesus before it is too late for others to accept Jesus as Savior.

When a person does the right thing by repenting of their sins, asking Jesus to wash them away with His blood and accepting Jesus as Savior, He forgives them and immediately sends His Holy Spirit to indwell that person.  The Holy Spirit will help that person to understand God, Jesus and the Bible in a more comprehensive yet relatable way.  The Holy Spirit takes care of this new child of God, as He does for each and every follower of Jesus Christ.

This is like loving parents who are supposed to take care of their children.  Or, like teachers who are supposed to educate, train, and disciple their students.  The Holy Spirit lives in people who have done the right thing and believed in Jesus.

Praise the Lord, the Holy Spirit will never leave them.  Sometimes we hear one child say to another when they are upset with them, "I'm not going to 'friend' you anymore."  So even supposedly very good friends, separate and leave.  Some parents abandon their family.  Some parents hurt their family members but the Holy Spirit will never do that and He will never leave.

The Holy Spirit helps God's children to understand God's plan for their life.  The plan might be revealed bit by bit, but slowly it will unfurl with the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Much of this guidance will be through the reading and meditating upon God's given word.  As one reads, the Holy Spirit helps the person to understand the meaning and how it applies to the individual's life.

When we know and understand, the Holy Spirit then convicts one to obey Jesus in that particualr area.  As the person obeys, they are guided into all God's truth.

To be clear, the Holy Spirit convicts but it's up to the person to decide to obey or not.  They are not coerced.  The person still has free will.

It's like being at a fork in the road.  The choice is up to the person.  However, they need to consider well.  The wrong choice has its consequences equally as how the right choice of obedience has its blessing in a follower's spiritual growth, life and quite likely, even in the physical well-being sense.

As you look back almost 2000 years, to the day the Holy Spirit came for the first time, you can see obvious difference.  God had promised back in Old Testament times, more than 400 years prior to this event that the Holy Spirit would come.  In the New Testament Jesus promised the disciples the Holy Spirit would come to comfort and counsel them.

This big day is called, 'Pentecost'.  Forty Days after Jesus' resurrection plus 10 days after His ascension, the Holy Spirit came.  Thus, 'Pentecost'.

What another pivotal happening in history!  The disciples were huddled, rather fearfully, in the upper room.  Suddenly, 'tongues of fire' descended upon the followers of Jesus', galvanizing them into action (see Acts 2:1-4).  Fear evaporated, courage took hold, tongues were loosed into speaking other languages and these followers became confident and effective witnesses for Jesus.

Prime example was Peter who had often put his foot in his mouth when he spoke but became a mighty orator.   One time as he spoke more than 3000 people came to Christ.  No doubt the other disciples were busy effectively witnessing too (see Acts 2:14-41).

The new languages on their tongues had purpose - not just spouting gibberish for accolades.  Many people from all over the then known world came to the area to trade and even to worship.  They heard the message of Jesus in their own tongues!  What an amazing marvel!

Another name for the Holy Spirit is, "The Spirit of Truth".  Truth about Jesus was being spoken.  Those who had the Holy Spirit could now understand the truth of who Jesus was, about His death, resurrection and ascension.  In turn, they could explain all to the variety of listeners.

Those in turn, who accepted Jesus as Savior were then given the Holy Spirit to indwell them, helping them to live right and obey Jesus, and to pass the message along.

As John 16:13 tells us,

"When He, the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all truth".

Praise the Lord, the Holy Spirit lives in followers of Jesus, making them brave, giving them power to be His faithful witnesses.  They come to understand more and more of Jesus' teachings and live in obedience for His glory and honor, speaking and living in this truth.

May we each realize the power and influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and live to shine for and please Jesus.  Thank you Father for your Holy Spirit.  In Jesus' name I give you praise.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on John 16:13, Kawan Grace Resource P4b, Lesson 2 - The Holy Spirit Helps Us.

Sing, Heavenly Father I Appreciate You, along with the Maranatha singers.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Book Review - A Mother's War - By Helen Parusel - Publication Date: 17 May 2023


At first while reading into the early pages of this book entitled, A Mother's War, I wondered how this could
 be about mothers.  After all it is a wartime setting and it was the men who went out to fight.  The battlefront of WWII was not in Norway either - so how and where do mother's get into the fray?  Hitler's evil plan for his master race unfolds in this historical fiction account and as it progressed I realized, "Aha!" - the mother's war indeed.  Laila, the Norwegian lass and Joseph, one of the German conqueror lads, along with other young Norweigian-German couples unfurl the little spoken of aspect of how young unwed mothers were treated as 'baby factories'.

There was some joy in the narrative but also the heartbreak.  Readers will need some stomach to read through the pages outlining the 'awful truth' of wicked men and war.  Intimate scenes are described so some readers may need to take these graphics into consideration.

I like that there were good friendships made among the mothers and even compassionate German individuals showing how not all of them were condoning these actions and plans.

4-star rating from me.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                               April 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent to me by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, May 15, 2023

A Sacrificial Habit of Praise


"Oh, praise the Lord!"  could often and repeatedly be heard from one brother's lips.  Whenever anyone said anything positive, especially when it involved what the Lord had done for them, no matter what, he'd render praise, "Hallelujah" and/or "Praise the Lord!"

It got to the point where my children began to imitate this even in fun.  That was many years ago but they still remember this brother well, and for "old times sake" will uttter their "praise the Lord's" in like manner as they'd heard that brother declare the praises of the Lord.

It was rather "contagious" but in a very good way.  I thought of this, this morning while looking at Hebrews 13:15, which reads,

"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess his name."

It seemed an 'easy' sacrifice for our brother-friend.  Perhaps it wasn't easy, at first, for him to turn his sacrifice into a habit of praise.  he accomplished it though and it rubbed off on others.

When you combine this verse with the one in Philippians chapter 4 and verse 8, it can give you quite a punch.  Whenever you think of things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy, offer up that sacrifice to the Lord, praise Him wholeheartedly, 

"Oh, praise the Lord!"

Declare His mighty works in your lives by uttering His praises.  Make it a habit.  Get a journal and record the blessings in your lives - even the smallest ones.  Count them and sing that well-sung song, 

"Count your blessings name them one-by-one and it will surprize you what the Lord has done."

Turn it into a sacrificial habit of praise.

"Praise the Lord" and "Hallelujah!"

Father God, you have done so many great things for us.  We give you our praise even at times we are in the middle of troubles and may not feel much like praising.  Help us, your children, to count our blessings and praise you for them all.  In Jesus' precious name I praise and pray.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on Hebrews 13:15; Philippians 4:8 (NIV).

Sing, Count Your Blessings, along with Guy Penrod.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Book Review - The Libyan Diversion - By Joel C. Rosenburg - Publication Date: 16 May 2023

 Nine-Eleven-type terror courses through the pages of this mystery cum thriller.  Marcus Ryker, is the main intelligence chap jet-setting globally to ferret out and pre-empt fanatically radical moves terrorists make against those they hate.  He, himself, not left physically unscathed, perseveres.  Yes, this work by author Joel C. Rosenburg, has strong nail-biting lure but I did feel it was a bit too much of a copycat scenario of Osama bin Laden-like staging.  Nevertheless, I would recommend this to those who like to see justice done to terroists and to see behind-the-scenes politics, not only among "friendly" intelligence groups but even the give and take between countries who are usually not very good friends.  Another point that sets favorably with me is the injections of Christian faith elements; little tweaks but enough to win me over.  Therefore, the toss up between 3-4 stars, came out as 4.

                                                      ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                January 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the Publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Mother's Day 2023 - Mothers - God Knew What He Was Doing


On this special day dedicated to Mothers, it is customary to reflect on all they've done and still do for their children.  From the moment a mother realizes she's "with child" to the magical moment she holds her newborn in her arms, and then raises that child with great love and care, together, hopefully, with her husband, she wants all the best for her child and so puts great energy and effort in so doing.

Along with these thoughts then, if this mother loses her child, whether he or she is still young, a teen or grown into adulthood, the heartbreak experienced from such a tragedy brings almost unimaginable pain.  However, I sincerely hope and pray any mother (and father) has family and community who gently care and administer postive, loving support.  Mother if you have no one to lean on, know this dear mother, that God is truly there for you.  Reach out to Him in your distress and deep anguish.  He does care about what has happened.

May such mothers have great strength and courage to pass through the days, weeks, months and even years ahead.  May they build grace and resilience in their character, trust in God their Heavenly Father, finding hope and healing for new days ahead.

You have been a mother!  Sweet but maybe bitter too but a blessing even to have held your child for a while.  Think on those precious minutes.  Honor your memory of this child take time to look at any photos you may have and remember him or her.  

Mothers, I understand and know what it is like but I've been able to get up and keep living and to live well by God's grace.  It is not to forget but to incorporate that love you've had for that child, and know it will never fade.  You will always hold a special place in your heart for your child even when you have other children to love, have and hold.

May all mothers, whether you've lost a child or not (I hope not) find peace, comfort and joy in your motherhood days.  Time is fleeting.  Cherish the moments.

My Mom has gone on to Heaven but I still remember how she loved me and was ready to hear me out.  She did have compassion and what I cherish highly is that she introduced me to Jesus.  Her best gift to me.  For all she has done for me, I'm truly grateful and thankful.

God knew what He was doing when He gave us mothers.  Be the best Mother you can be.

                      HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MOTHERS!

                                                       ~ERC  May 2023~

Sing, He Giveth More Grace, along with the Living Stones Quartet.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Jesus as Judge


Jesus is coming back to earth a second time.  The first time He came from heaven, born as a baby in a stable.  He came out of love for humanity not so that Christians could celebrate His birthday on Christmas Day but so He could die on the cross to save us all from the punishment of our sins and redeem our sinful, fallen nature back for God His Heavenly Father.

Some people think they should die for their own sins, paying their own penalty.  Yet, out of love, mercy and grace, Jesus chose to die for all mankind, taking their punishment for their sins upon Himself.  So He died, shedding His blood to wash away our sins.  He died, was buried but raised again on the third day.  We call this "resurrection".  This means, "Jesus is alive!".  His tomb stands empty.  Tourists from all around the world visit Israel and stop by the supposed tomb of Jesus.  It's empty.  God's not dead, He's alive.

Back in those ancient days many people saw Jesus alive, walking around, teaching, eating, not as a ghost or a vision, but alive and breathing - the resurrected Christ.  The disciples, Peter, James, Paul and more than 500 people at one time, saw Jesus alive, post resurrection.  These added up to ample witness to establish His resurrection.  This is truth.

What happened next was that after 40 days, Jesus took His disciples out to the Mount of Olives and while He was talking with them, He ascended back into Heaven.  The disciples, gazing intently upward, saw Him go.  We call this, "The Ascension of Christ".   He's back with His Heavenly Father in Heaven (see Acts 1:10-11).

In a nutshell, this was the first coming of Christ:  His birth, His death, His burial, His resurrection and His ascension.  Our living, loving Savior is currently ruling in Heaven as King.  He's praying for us up there, for our good and benefit here on here on earth.  This is happening between Jesus' first coming and the second coming to come.  It is the time for all of Jesus' followers to be pro-actively active in telling out the message of God's love, care and salvation through Jesus Christ.  Now is the time before Jesus' second coming.

When Jesus comes back the second time He is not coming as a baby nor will He die for our sins again.  That work was all completely finished and accomplished.  He is coming back as a Judge.

God appointed Jesus to be Judge of the living and the dead (see Acts 10:42).  He'll come in blazing fire, glory and majesty, as the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and the Judge of all judges who will judge all of the earth.  He will decide what and who is right and who is wrong in the eyes of God.

Those who do right are those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior - they have said, "Yes!" to Jesus, repenting of their sins and asking Jesus to wash their sins away with His blood.  He will forgive them.  He will make them a new creation in Christ and send them His Holy Spirit immediately.

The Holy Spirit will help them to do what's right every day and obey Jesus.  They are now on their way to heaven where there is no more sadness, sickness, sorrow or suffering.  There's no more tears.  The person now has power to share the message of Jesus.

By contrast, the most serious wrong is established when a person rejects Jesus.  They say, "NO, I don't want him!"  Because of this there is no new spiritual life.  There is only sinfulness and the desires of their own heart and spirit.

The result is they will indeed have to take their own punishment, which is to end up in hell, in an everlasting living death where there is no relenting of suffering and pain.  They had no repentance, no Holy Spirit, therefore, no power and no message to proclaim.  This is the dreadful, sad truth.

So Jesus is coming back to earth to judge all people.  Right now though, is the time to do right.  Repent and accept Jesus.  Say "YES" to Him.  When He comes the second time there will be no more second chance to accept this gift of salvation.

So who made Jesus boss?  God did.  God made Jesus to be Judge so we cannot say anything against His verdicts and punishments to be meted out.  

To sum up, Jesus is alive.  He loves us.  He wants us to accept His gift of salvation NOW.  Our chance is NOW.  He's coming back a second time and soon.  Be ready.  Jesus is the Judge and will see if we are right or wrong.  Accept Jesus as Savior today.  He gives you His Holy Spirit to indwell you and to help you to do all that is right.  You need Him.

Here's the verse that tells us Jesus is Judge and on whose authority.

"Jesus is the one whom God appointed as Judge of the living and the dead" (Acts 10:42).

My prayer is that one and all will accept Jesus as Lord and Savior before it is for ever too late.  Now is the time before Jesus comes back the second time.

Thank you Jesus for loving me so much and making me your child.  Thank you for the chance to accept your gift of salvation here and now.  In your most precious name I give you praise and thanks.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on Acts 10:42 and Kawan Grace Resource P4b Lesson 1.

Sing,  Judgement Day, along with the Dunaways.

Note:  I'm aware that the rapture will happen before this day of judgement happens.  You could say that what is described above is Part B of the second coming.  Technically the rapture brings all the believers up to be with Jesus.  Jesus comes only as far as the clouds for this with his trumpet blowing the call to come up.  However, for the second part of the second coming He'll come and touch down on the Mount of Olives from whence He ascended back into Heaven so long ago.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Book Review - Tell Me the Dream Again - By Tasha Jun - Publication Date: 9 May 2023


Capturing the essence and basis of this book has been well done, I believe.  It has been so helpful, and I believe it will be a boon for couples with inter-racial marriages and  for  their children.  There is much that is the same for any married couple and their children, but oh, the vastness of the 'different',  which is addressed in this book.   

This story of how one Korean - American child coped through it all right into her adult years has long been coming.  What relief will be found for a reader in similar circumstances.  At last, there is someone who understands.  At last, there is license to be who I am and not have to hide ones' identity as a minority ethnicity in an overwhelming ocean of another.  On top of this, I really appreciated how the author brought in her faith and dependance on God as part of her equation for living.

I give 5-Star praise for author Tasha Jun who's been inspired to tell her story, like it was, and like it is.  I believe her story will help many people feel and find their own way 'home,' and able to "dream again."

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       January 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinionn based on the complimentary review copy send by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Jesus' Ascension and Authority


Our Lord was once rejected by mankind, crucified so that He died upon the cross.  Kind men took Him down and buried Him in a new tomb, but then, Jesus rose again on the third day.  He resurrected; He's alive!

Lies were told though, that the disciples stole His body away.  Praise the Lord that God had already thought ahead to sinful man's schemes.  In 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 we find eyewitness proof of our living, loving Savior's resurrection.

Jesus was seen alive, walking and talking with Peter, the 12 apostles (a new disciple had been instituted to replace Judas Iscariot).  He also appeared to more than 500 people at the same time.  These were not visions but real-time, person-to-person encounters.  James and Paul also had the wonderful priviledge to see their resurrected Savior.

In Old Testament times, two or three witnesses were required to establish truth and/or to be  creditable witness.  So there is ample proof established here for Jesus' being alive.  He is risen and I'm forgiven.  God is so good to us.

Why is Jesus' resurrection so important to the Christian faith though?  If Jesus hadn't risen, our faith would be in vain.  Dead men don't talk.  They cannot do a single thing for anyone.  Can you believe in a dead man?

Look at 1 Corinthians 15:17 which argues,

"And if Christ has not been raised your faith is futile, you are still in your sins."

Thank God for our risen Savior, forgiveness of sins, and the gift of being in Heaven with Him some day in the future.  He is there now preparing a place for all who believe in Him (see Acts 1:9-11).

We have His promise He'll come back for us someday.  This is why all need to repent and accept Jesus now.  There is no second chance after we die.  Do not reject Him like the people of old did.

Giving Jesus' statement about "going to prepare a place for you in Heaven" and for the hearts of the disciples to not be troubled when Jesus ascended back into Heaven, I recalled as I was writing about the ancient Jewish custom regarding bridegrooms and brides.  In fact, there's a Chinese cultural custom, at least as practiced in Malaysia, that is remarkably similar.

In Bible times, after a man and woman were betrothed, the man would go home and begin to build a place (home) to which to bring his bride.  It was usually an extension of his parental home.  When he had completed these preparations, he would bring his friends and go to his betroth's house to bring her to his.

She would not know exactly when this would happen but she had to be ready and waiting at every moment for him to come for her.

For Chinese wedding customs, usually each side would know the arrival date; however, the bride still needed to be ready.  This correlates with what Jesus is saying to His disciples that He'd go away to prepare a place for them and then come for them.  This promise extends to us nowadays.

All who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior are now "betrothed" to Him.  He paid the bride price with His blood shed on the cross for all who believe.  He has now gone to prepare the home in Heaven.  Let us be encouraged and take heart that He is working on our behalf, and praying for us whilst we are still on Earth, in our home.  He's coming back for us soon.

I'm not exactly sure of all the preparations Jesus is making as He did not elaborate.  I'm thinking the focus is that He has not forgotten about us and He is still actively looking out for us.  He has His plan, which He'll reveal in His good time.  His assurance is His word, "He'll be back."

"For the Lord himself will come down from Heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.  After that, we who are alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And so we shall be with the Lord forever" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, especially vs 16 & 17 NIV).

These are words of comfort and encouagement for each of us who are betrothed, via our salvation, to Jesus.  He is our bridegroom and we, His bride.

This is His great promise as seen in John 14:3, that He'll come back for us.  How does this make you feel?  It gives me joy and peace.  We have a rich and "glorious inheritance" waiting for us in Heaven (Ephesians 1:18).  He is there.

While we await His return, we can have every confidence in Him.  Earlier in this article, it is mentioned that since His ascension into Heaven, Jesus is working on our behalf. 

He uses His great power and mighty strength showing us the level of power that was exerted, which  allowed Jesus to resurrect.  It's a bit difficult for our minds to comprehend but just know He puts His all into helping us.

Nothing stands in His way because He has been given all power and authority in Heaven and on Earth.  He'll move mountains for us.  Satan and his minions are a powerful evil force that work against all who believe in Jesus, and all those contemplating believing in Him.

Know this that Jesus is God and is greater than all humanity, and angelic and demonic forces.  As believers in Jesus Christ, each one has the Holy Spirit's indwelling.  He is the Holy Spirit of God!  He works for us, in us and with us.

Look at 1 John 4:1-6 NIV, but especially verse 4.

"You, dear children,are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world..."

When Satan attacks us in any way, we can have confidence to declare "I'm a child of God and you have no right to mess with me."  We can command, "in Jesus name" for Satan and his demons to be gone and to go wherever Jesus sends them.

This is because we have Jesus' authority backing us up.  Saying, "in Jesus' name" is the authority by which we can command Satan to leave us alone.

There is an anecdote I'll borrow from the pastor who spoke at my church recently.

He was talking about how when he visits certain people to explain the gospel of Jesus Christ to them, that some one of the hearers may try to use black magic against him.  One day he went to a particular home but he became mute.  The Holy Spirit impressed upon him that if he did not speak audibly within the next ten seconds he'd be dead.

At about the six second mark he was able to say, "Hallelujah!"  This means "praise the Lord".  Although not exactly saying, "in Jesus name,"  it was praise for Jesus.  

The man of the house asked, "How did you know?"  Meaning how did this pastor realize black magic was being used against him.  This is how God works through the Holy Spirit on our behalf.

Each believer has this access and therefore authority to use the name of Jesus with authority and reverence.  This is also part of how Jesus is working for us, praying for us from His home in Heaven (see Ephesians 1:18-23).

There are many situations in which we can use Jesus' name.  You hear it after almost every prayer to God is finishing, "In Jesus' name we pray."  When we are tempted to do wrong, we can call on Him and His name for help to resist.   In times of fear or possibly being harmed or mocked, we can whisper or shout, "Jesus help me" or "In Jesus name I command you to stop", and so on.

'Jesus' is a powerful name so we must be careful how we use it.  He knows your name too.  Come to Him in faith and trust.  Become His child.  Accept Him as your Savior and Lord.

I feel great triumph in knowing Jesus.  To know He is in control and has authority over me but also thoughout all Heaven and Earth.  I'm thankful for all the work He has done on the cross, through His death, and resurrection.  Without this our faith would be useless and powerless.  I'm glad He ascended back to heaven getting ready for our "marriage"  and feast when He'll call all of us who believe up to be with Him there, forever.

Until then let's all patiently await His return for us, working on His behalf here too, to be ready.  let's bring many others to know Him too.

It is an honor and privilege to use our Lord and Savior's name for our protection from our enemy Satan, but also in making our prayers and petitions to God.

In Jesus' name, I am so thankful for all He has done for me and for all the "whosoever" who accept His gift of salvation.

                                                ~ERC  may 2023~

Based on Navigator Ministries, Inc.  Book 1 - Knowing Jesus Christ; Chapter 2 - The Work of Jesus Christ; His Resurrection and Ascension Questions 13-19.

Sing, In the Name of Jesus, along with Shiloh Worship Music.

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Praise and Thanks


Father God, thank you we can turn to you again and again giving you our praise and thanksgiving.  You gave us Jesus, our living hope.  Because He lives we have redemption and reconciliation with you. 

Because Jesus lives we know we will be with You one day and our fear of death can be dispelled.  We can know our life is worth living until that day you call us Home to be with you.

We have this hope through faith in Jesus Christ Your Son.  Thank-you Jesus for living for us today and praying for us, until we see your face one day soon.

Wonderful Father, thank you.

All this because Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried but rose again on the third day, so we can serve a living, loving Savior.  We, your children, show our gratitude and remembrance by taking of the broken bread and drinking of the cup of wine this Lord's Day.

In Jesus name we praise and pray.

                                          ~ERC  April 2023~

Sing, We serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today, along with SE Samote.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

He'll Remember It


Imagine it.  Elisha, gobsmacked, jaw hanging open, gazed in astonishment as he watched Elijah whisked away in a whirlwind-powered fiery chariot, complete with horses, and disappear up into the heavens.  

"Earth to Elisha, hello!?"

Elisha tears his clothes, heartbroken at his loss, finds Elijah's cloak which has fluttered down, and with heart-wrenching cries, laments, 

"My father!  My father!"

"...And Elisha saw him no more" (2 Kings 2:12).

How extra-ordinarily lonely and poignantly felt at that searing moment.  The next instant - terror!  It's a wonder the passage doesn't record Elijah screaming, "My father!" again at the realization that he was now "the prophet-at-large".

Nope.  On the contrary it seems to have galvanized Elisha.  He snatches up Elijah's cloak and strikes the Jordan River water.  No silent sulking for him, he strikes with that mantle, invoking in no uncertain terms for God to do something.  Seems he was testing the waters, rather literally - almost as if in anger.  Yet God was on his side and worked wonders for him, showing those people of Jericho and any potential detractors and critics, and/or those attempting to falsely fawn at his feet for favors, not to play games.

Elisha is on God's business.  He now had a double-portion of Elijah's spirit and God allowed Elisha to demonstrate this immediately.  God showed up for Elisha, letting him know He was right there with him ever as much as He had been with Elijah, and didn't let him be shamed in front of an audience.  Rather, God empowered Elisha and put him to work straight away by parting the waters and healing the drinking water, and more as you can see if you continue to read the next chapters.

After reflecting on this, I feel that at times the Lord may give us work to do and we expect a mentor to be there for us but suddenly he/she is snatched away from us.  We are seemingly on our own.  What do we do?

We need to remember God is still there and on our side and that He'll remember us.

This reminds me of the verses from Hebrews chapter 6 and verses 10-12.  What reassurance and comfort we can have in knowing God's got our back too.  He remembers the work we do for Him and labels it "love shown to Him" because of such work.  It's like a sacrificial offering to Him which He is well-pleased to accept.  He remembers it!  He remembers what we do for His people.

As Elisha remembered what Elijah had done and imitated, going even above and beyond because of his double-portion granted, he continued to help God's people with diligence to the very end.  He imitated the faith in God and had patience to accomplish the work set for him to do.

Our Lord and Savior asks the same of us today.  He also doesn't want us to become lazy, nor weary in well-doing (Galatians 6:9).  There may be times however, after we have done much the same work for extended periods of time, say like teaching Sunday School for two or three decades, that perhaps the baton can be given over to others, and you turn your hand in another direction the Lord has planned out for you.

In this we need to seek His will and wisdom to know, are we just plain weary and need a short season of rest, or is He directing us elsewhere.  Seek His wisdom to know the difference and also to the 'what' and 'when and 'where' to go with His next plan for us.

In all we do let us imitate the faith and patience of those who have gone before us and to hold firmly on to our faith, not in those persons but in Whom these persons had put their faith - in God our Heavenly Father and in Jesus Christ His Son.

I do not think it is wrong to ask for a double-portion of God's dynamic Holy Spirit empowerment, either.  Let us continue to go forth, faithfully following our Savior and do many exploits for Him with diligence, grace and love.  

He'll remember it.

Imagine that!

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on 1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:9-15 and Hebrews 6:10-12.

Sing, On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, along with Cassie Thompson.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Prayer - Words of Wisdom and Grace


Loving Righteous Father, you carry those you love in your thoughts, heart and arms.  You help them as they go about their day in ordinary routine or in extra duty, especially when they bring your words to others, explaining your will and ways, so that knowledge of you is spread far and wide and many will grow to love you more and build relationship with you in ever increasing measure.

May your children, given such opportunities speak with wisdom, love and care, showing your goodness, love and kindness.  May they shine for you.

Give them the grace to speak, what's helpful and spiritual - of good report.  Through such teachers may the 'students' be able to only see Jesus and not to idolize the teacher.  May they see Jesus is God and that they need HIM in their lives and to seek Him only, all their days.

May all those under such tutelage come to Christ and grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Father, may such students ask good questions and enable the teachers to give good answers, to speak well of You and Your son for Your glory and honor.  Make every session and opportunity bless the teacher and students alike.

I ask all this in Jesus' most precious name.  Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

Monday, May 1, 2023

Book Review - The World's Best Dad - By Sarah K. Benning - Publication Date: 2 May 2023

 There are lots of books and talks about mom's and their children so this scrapbook-like book is a refreshing find.  It would make an excellent Father's Day gift as it is like a consensual promise between a dad and a child for spending greater quality and quantity time together.  There are activities, quizzes, drawings to be drawn, and more that the dad, together with his child, can potentially create good relationship memories at a key time in a child's life.  This book is an opportunity to provide good, clean, appropriate fun to be had.  In my opinion, neither a father nor his child would be disappointed if they made such an investment in this book and if they both make good effort to engage in the activites in benevolent manner.

5 stars from me.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        March 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.