Thursday, November 11, 2021

Valuing Our Inheritance


This morning, I read Joshua chapters 14-24.  I underlined various verses that seemed pertinent to me at the earlier hours.  Yet, pondering at that time, couldn't gather my thoughts.  Stepping back a couple of hours and busy with other things, the niggle in the back of my head caused me to turn again to that block of chapters and review what I'd highlighted.

The general consensus of thought was, "Hey, some of the Israelites, and especially certain individuals, valued their inheritances given lovingly by their LORD God Who loved them."  Some who had had specific areas promised to them via Moses, but as yet had not been consummated, went to Joshua to sort it out.

Caleb son of Jephunneh was one such.  Even though he and Joshua had buddied in the first round of spying out the Promised Land and had both encouraged the people, "Yes, we can conquer those in the Land," Caleb didn't take this relationship for granted.  He approached Joshua with respect and appealed for his rights in a decent manner.  He reminded Joshua of Moses' promise to give a certain inheritance of land allotment to him.  Joshua, saw to it then, that Caleb got what was rightfully to be granted to him (Joshua 15:13).

Zelophehad's five daughters were another group who treasured their inheritance.  Since they had no brothers, they did not want their father's home and inheritance to dissolve into oblivion.  They stood up for their rights to Moses, not in rebellious, insolent manner, but in attitude that showed they did not want to miss out on God's blessing.  Here then, they stood once again, to claim what was to be granted to them.  Joshua, reiterated the stipulations for giving them their inheritance and then allocated it to them (Joshua 17:3-6).

Many of the various tribes of Israel also took hold of their lands;  yet, strangely, there were some who had to be encouraged to do so (Joshua 17:17).  I found it surprizing (Joshua 18:1-2).  There were still seven tribes that lagged behind.  

Joshua soon made it right.  He gave their leaders assignments in order to get the ball rolling for them.  They took to it diligently enough and then got their designated respective allotments. (Joshua 18-31).

Of note though, they seemed to be, um, lazy?  Or lethargic.  Not totally diligent in eradication of the nations living there, that they were supposed to have obliterated.  They gave the reason that the "Canaanites were determined to live in that region" (Joshua 17:12j-13).  I bet they were.

Of course, who would not be determined to live in a place, they'd always lived and had a settled life.  However, did this tribe not value their inheritance enough?  Did they not take Joshua's word that they were numerous and very powerful and that they could drive them out because God was on their side (Joshua 17:1-18)?

You see, when the Israelites grew stronger, they made the Canaanites be their "forced labor" (Joshua 17:13).  If they could do that, why couldn't they drive them out?  This was not full obedience to God's commands.  It also seems they did not fully appreciate God's gift to them.  To this day, there is conflict in the land over the land.

This next blurb may sound cold, harsh and calculated but, we must ask ourselves, where's our hearts' desires taking us?  Are we lukewarm towards our Lord and our inheritance in Christ?  Have we taken hold of our salvation, our forgiveness of sins, our everlasting life and above all, our relationship with the Lord?  He is our portion and allotment.  He is in our midst.  Do we cherish Him, who He is and what He has given us?

The Israelites' semi-adherance to God's commands, served to give grief to the generations downline, as noted earlier.  How we align ourselves to the Lord and His Word in our daily walk with Him will definitely affect our next generation.

Let's pray for ourselves and our next generation.  We should examine ourselves as to where one needs to:  realign, repent, confess, give thanks and come closer to the Lord.  

He's our Inheritance.  Value Him.

                                                         ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Joshua 14-24.

Sing Heavenly Father, We Appreciate You, with Maranatha singers.

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