Sunday, November 21, 2021

Serve & Obey Him


The Israelites had a rich history and heritage stemming back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  God was with them and they obeyed Him, built altars to Him and worshipped Him in all due fear and reverence.  Joseph, the son of Jacob, the Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, feared God too and lived a righteous life.

When Israel's sons had sons, and those sons had sons and so on, they became a mighty multitude, so much so, that Pharoah and the rest of the Egyptians were afraid of them and forced them to become their slaves; working them over pretty good, too.

We all know this history and of how God brought them out of that slavery and led them through the wilderness by Moses, and into the Promised Land at the hand of Joshua son of Nun.  All those 40 years God faithfully led them, fed them and wrought mighty signs and wonders on their behalf.

The Book of the Law written down by Moses from God's mouth helped the Israelites to know and remember all God had commanded and promised.  He said if they followed it all, were obedient to Him and worshipped and served Him, He would bless them.

They agreed to the covenant and did follow for a time  They were well blessed by God.  Sadly, the longer they lived in the Promised Land, their inheritance from God their loving, faithful Father who steadfastly loved them with an everlasting love -- their disobedient hearts turned aside to other gods.

Those gods that demanded them to sacrifice their very own children in  the fire!  Time and again they were punished in various ways and were even enslaved once again by various conquering nations.  Then they became an even sorrier sight and they'd cry out, pitifully to God.  God would rescue them, warn them again to serve, obey and worship, only Him.

"Yes, yes," they'd say but it didn't stick.

Eventually, God removed them to foreign lands by the hand of the likes of the King of Babylon because of their constant, incorrigbily, unrepentant idolatry.

Now look at them.  They are not serving and obeying God!  They had,

"...settled down in the land [of Babyon] and served the King of Babylon..." (2 Kings 25:24).

Whether they were in Babylon or the remnant handful left behind in Jerusalem, they were to serve King Nebuchadnezzar.  Gedaliah told this latter group to do so as it,

"...will go well with you" (2 Kings 25:24).

This was NOT what God wanted for them.  This was only second or third best; a best that was not good, which they had chosen.  God asked the Israelites to obey, serve and worship Him alone.  If they did, it would go well with them.  Now they were subservient to a foreign king.

I don't know about you but I have to take great gulps of breath at this situation.  It's appalling.  Very appalling.  They had had so many hundreds of years to get it right and of God's blessing.  Now, they had 70 years in exile to think and repent, "at leisure" and come back to their great and almighty God.

The human heart was proven totally wayward.  God's heart was proven totally faithful.  He kept His promise to David that there would always be one of his 'seed' - an everlasting dynasty because David's heart had been right in the eyes of God.

This is where the good news kicks in.  


Jesus the Messiah came.  

God did not forget His people nor all the other people in the world.  Jesus came from David's line of lineage, royalty and kingship.

We all know this story too.  Jesus died, was buried and rose again on the third day.  He'd suffered for our sins and paid the price assuaging God's wrath upon sinners' sin.  Jesus set us free from the slavery of sin, death and Hell's grasping grip.

Now, we have the opportunity to thank Him by living a righteous life with the help of His indwelling Holy Spirit.  We can obey, worship, praise, and serve Him all our days

Know that when we fail, as the Israelites did, we too have recourse and can cry out to the Lord in repentance, and confession.  He is faithful and just and will forgive us and cleanse us from every sin (1 John 1:9).  Just don't put the Lord your God to the test.  Be holy and faithful as He is.  It was with "costly grace" He bought our pardon through Jesus.

Thank and praise Him with gratitude by serving and obeying Him and Him alone.

                                                   ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on Exodus to 2 Kings.

Sing, Trust and Obey with the Vagle brothers, and Hallelujah to the Lord with Andrea Bocelli and daughter Virginia.

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