Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Name on Your List


Nuggets and tidbits of "gold" are interlaced among all the lists of names in 1st & 2nd Chronicles.  At times, the names are tedious to read but can also be fun.

Growing up in our devoutly conservative, Christian family, we read two chapters of God's Word per day; one in the morning after breakfast and one after the evening meal.  We'd read two verses each, around the table of 'King Dad,' until the chapter ran out.

When we hit Chronicles, or other books with name lists, there were no exceptions; every single name must be read.  When we were first learning how to read, our first Bible given to us was a "self-pronouncing" Bible.  In other words, all names were separated into syllables and the appropriate syllable emphasis according to English pronunciation, indicated.  We could go it 'alone' but did have Dad's back up in case we really needed the intervention.  By hook or by crook we got through and would come to enjoy the 'competition' of six sibling "correct" pronunciation perfectations.

We were taught that every single last person mentioned was important to God, Dad insisted, and therefore why they were even bothered to be listed, and so must be read.  Lesson to learn:  we too are important to God and He will not forget us.

Good lesson.

Sometimes Dad would tell us the meanings of the names because those meanings had been important to the parents of those 'names'.  They were also important to the history of Israel especially under Kings David and Solomon.  

Not only the names but the individuals who carried them, were important.  Note the 'labels' some of those mighty men listed had:  "very capable men" (1 Chronicles 26:6 NIV); "able men: (1 Chronicles 26:7); "capable men with the strength to do the men" (1 Chronicles 26:8-9); "chief men...ministering in the temple of the LORD, just as their relatives had" (1 Chronicles 26:12); "a wise counselor" (1 Chronicles 26:14); "able men and heads of charge of...every matter pertaining to God and for the affairs of the king" (1 Chronicles 16:32 NIV); "mighty men among 30" (1 Chronicles 27:6), to name a few.  These men, many with names we stumble over to pronounce, rose up to be leaders who were strong and courageous, willing and therefore all the more, able, to do the tasks set before them.

They each had one precious life to live with purpose and to honor and glorify the LORD their God and they rose to the 'challenge' whether in service to God, their family and/or their king.  They did all to the glory of God and were blessed and had their names in God's Hall of Fame.

Countless men (& women) since then have arisen to their responsiblitlites in similar service.  They did not allow apathy to seep into their souls and spirits despite temptations to do so.

Pray always for such brothers and sisters-in-Christ, for yourself, even, to continue to rise up and be what you have been 'anointed' and appointed by the Lord, to do.  As that familiar saying goes, "Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last..."  Let's all be "faithful and true" to our Lord and Savior, to our families, to our assembly or 'church' and to service to our Lord, until He comes.

Speaking of names, have you ever heard of Charles Thomas Studd (C.T. Studd)?  Apparently, "he was the Michael Jordan of cricket".  He was  converted and became an evangelist, ministering in India, Africa and China.  He had come from a wealthy family but put his life into perspective of eternity.

It was from his poem entitled, "A Poem of Perspective" from which I just quoted, "only one life...".  Our names may not seem very great here on earth, but they do mean the world to God our Heavenly Father.  He even has your name recorded in His Book of Life, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, through faith in Him. You will not be forgotten, no matter the name, its meaning nor how you pronounce it.  God loves you just the same.

In gratitude, rise up and be mighty for Him according to your ability.  Be capable, able, wise, willing of heart no matter the size or prestige of the job.

Did you know some of the groups of men listed were not in charge of the Temple duties such as gatekeepers, treasurers or other such related offices but rather, in charge of field workers, camels and donkeys.  Imagine some of the ribbing you'd get if you were caring for donkeys!

Yeah, back then donkeys were more important than horses; although, even today some of the Amish prefer to use donkeys to help plough their fields and do heavier work.  Jesus even rode triumphantly on the back of a donkey into Jerusalem.  I digress...

The point is, we may have a behind-the-scenes task, for instance, setting up the sound system so a preacher's voice is at his most premium best; or rearranging the chairs to neat and tidy settings when few others are around to observe but, like these ancient mighty men, rise up, be the man of God at home and elsewhere as He has appointed and called.

May you be blessed and the Name of the Lord be praised.  All glory be to this Name above all names.  Is His name  on your "Golden Names" list?

                                                    ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on 1 Chronicles 26-29 to 2 Chronicles 1-6 NIV.

Sing, No Other Name But Jesus, along with Don Moen

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