Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Daily Turning Away


Blindspot Blinders

There has been talk about blindspots in our lives and the need to have a humble heart when we discover them, more than likely by someone else who dutifully informs us.  There are, however, areas in our lives that we already know about but are slow to turn away from.

If one is seriously wanting to change in these areas, this too involves a humble, repentant heart.  It requires a daily - sometimes even a moment-by-moment turning away from that sin in our lives.

It is so easy to lash back at someone who shouts angrily at us and has stirred up our reciprocal anger and bitterness.  It takes self-cntrol that is governed, helped and guided by reigns of the Holy Spirit not only to give the soft answer, but to dissipate the anger that has fused and fostered hotter anger and so on.

Pray and plead with the Lord for that and to give you His grace and the will to allow the Holy Spirit's power to work in and through us, out to others.  It is surely a monumental struggle but the Holy Spirit has dynamic power to help us overcome and remove those blindspot blinders, every time. 

                                                    ~ERC  September  2021~

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