Friday, November 26, 2021

Job Description


What's your job description?  How'd you'd like your job to be...

" pronounce blessings" (1 Chronicles 23:13 NIV)?

It tickles my fancy to think of it.

The sons of Amram:  Aaron and Moses, and their descendants were set apart for the "job" to,

"...prounounce blessings in the [LORD's] name forever" (!Chronicles 23:14 NIV).

Job security.

May we bless and not curse.

James admonishes that our tongues spout both but should not.  Govern hearts and minds and then go bless.

Father God, we do so need your help.  So easily we curse.  With so much difficulty, we bless.  Teach us, train us, discipline us to bless.  Hearts, minds, mouths, lips and tongue need Your divine intervention, always.  Thank-You for salvation through Jesus Christ and for Holy Spirit's indwelling.  We bless you and know we'll get to bless you forevermore.  May we allow Your almighty power and authority to hold sway from our innermost beings and to say to those around us, "Bless you.  Bless your family." and sincerely mean it.  Bless our own family, too.  Bless our neighbors, friends, colleagues, subordinates on the job, in the elevator, people in the cars that cut in line ahead of us, and people in general; even the ones who bug us.  Let it be our "forever" job description.  

In Jesus' name we ask and bless.

                                                          ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on 1 Chronicles 23:13 NIV

Sing, Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, with ThisIslandSong.

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