Saturday, November 6, 2021

Unusual Memory Verses

Yes, there are likely more, profound memory verses, no doubt.  Nevertheless, I think its most unusual that God had Moses orchestrate memory verse day with the tribes of Israel and the Levites.

On Mt. Gerizim were the 'blesser' group of tribes and on Mt Ebal, stood the others, facing them; they were the 'cursers'.  Inbetween, were the Levites.  Each group had to say their piece.  The Levites had to recite more and then the two groups would chorus.  

"Amen!" (Deuteronomy 27:11-26).

Don't know about you, but to picture all this makes me grin.  It tickles my funny bone.  Grown-ups' Sunday School memory recitation day.

However, I know this was dead  serious recitation and response.  God's way of teaching them, for them to get it into their heads  and  hopefully, into their hearts, as well.

There was a story of a preacher my Dad used to like to tell.  The preacher's systematic teaching method was, "First I tells 'em what I'm gonna tell 'em.  Then, I tells 'em.  Then I tells 'em what I told them."

He must have learned that from God and Moses.  Read through Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  Look at how often, the author, likely Moses, records God's commands, rules, and regulations.  He writes that he told the Israelites God's laws and decrees, and lists them all out as to what they are.  

Later, he writes it all out again and adds in what their responses had been.  Moses, writes it three or four times to be sure they "got it".  Added on for extra insurance, they are now reciting it and responding, "Amen!".

It was serious business. Tell it again.  You want to be blessed or cursed?  Obey, and you'll be blessed.  Disobey, and you'll be cursed.  Plain and  simple.  They all agreed to the terms and even recited them.

Sadly, history shows their disobedience and its consequences.  They had so much but they didn't follow and lost their blessing.

Jesus knew these by heart too.  He was the One Who did obey the Law perfectly and He quoted the Scriptures in His teachings and used them to stand firm against Satan's wiles.  Jesus was blessed by God's Word.  They were health and protection  upon Him especially as a human being.

It is a big  lesson to all of us in our day and age.  Just because we can memorize swathes of Scripture, doesn't give us carte blanche blessing.  We need to act upon it; obey God's ways as laid out in the New Testament.  God also gave us His Holy Spirit through our faith in Jesus Christ.  We can be sensitive and obedient to His leading.  Let us all find such blesisng in our souls.

Read, memorize, meditate upon and obey God's Word.  The Holy Spirit will help us, even if we memorize  unusaual portions.  Amen?

Of course, Amen!

                                                       ~ERC  August 2021~

Based on Deuteronomy 18-27 especially chapter 27 NIV.

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