Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Book Review - Stampede - Tim Washburn - Publication Date: 30 November 2021

 If you are a lover of Wild West, rancher, rustler, gun-slinging sorts, you will most likely love this historical novel set around 1889, just prior to the Oklahoma Land Rush (aka "Run" as termed in this book).  This is the third in the series, and you'll find lots of excitement to pulsate the blood in your viens right along with the "Boomers" and "Sooners" making mad dashes and head starts to stake their claims.

I really like the main characters which are believable.  They are mostly cattle ranchers and horse breeders and family people but certainly know how to handle a gun or two.  I like the teasing that goes on among the men which lends to amusing humor.  No doubt one could champion these "good guys".  I do take exception to the pre-marital interplay despite those engaging therein being consenting partners.  The rest of the story, however, was very satisfying and kept the fingers turning the pages.

Included at the end of the book is an excerpt from The Devil's Rope (set in 1883); the second book in the series.

                                                ~ Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                             October 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

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