Friday, November 12, 2021

Inquired of the Lord

 David the fugitive did not rush into things.  He'd heard that King Saul and son Jonathan had died in battle.  David also knew he was "the LORD's anointed" and choice for king because Samuel had anointed him while he was still David the shepherd boy.  He could go claim his position, free and clear.

Yet, he did not rush into things.  He waited,

" the course of time..." (2 Samuel 2:1 NIV).

Perhaps, the time elapse was the mourning days for King Saul.  We are not told.  Still, "in the course of time..." David did not move forward on his own schedule of timing.  From his hideout he, 

"...inquired of the LORD, shall I go up to one of the towns of Judah" (2 Samuel 2:1)?

He got his answer to go but he still was not satisfied; he asked further...

"Where shall I go" (2 Samuel2:1 NIV)?

Only then did David collect his wives, children, and men, and go to Hebron, where the LORD had told him to go.  There he was made king over Judah.

At other times David inquired of the LORD whether he should go into battle.  He'd ask the when, where, and even how.  The LORD would give the directions and instructions and David the king would follow them and have success.  He actually did this as a fugitive as well.

The LORD was indeed his Shepherd Whom he was willing to follow and listen to His voice.  When he inquired of the LORD, he listened and obeyed.

Down through the years from David to Jesus there were those righteous and faithful men and women who did the same.  We can think of King Hezekiah, as we read 2 Kings 19, when he got the distressing letter from the enemy.  He laid the letter out before the Lord, praying and seeking God about it. Years later, during the Jewish captivity, Daniel and his three friends inquired of God about King Nebuchadnezzar's dream when their lives and the lives of all the other wise men were laid on the line (Daniel).   Queen Esther also fasted and prayed, for three days and saved the whole Jewish contingent in Babylon (Esther).  God gave direction and answers too.  

David did have times when he took matters into his own hands and we know what disastrous consequences ensued.   Serious lesson from which we can all learn.  

Jesus was the perfect Inquirer of the LORD and Listener, to His Father.  He did His Father's will.  He suffered and bled and died on mankind's behalf.  He paid the pardon price for my sins and yours.  Salvation is now freely offered.

One and all can still inquire of the LORD in repentance, and confession.  He will forgive and give His salvation and His Holy Spirit of Whom we, now God's children, may inquire freely.  Let us be willing to follow in obedience because Jesus rose from the dead and is living in Heaven, waiting for the day He can come back for us and bring us to glory.

In the meantime, let us always wait and inquire of Him and follow His guidance.  Remember, hurry and haste make waste.  As one Ashely Hales writes in A Spacious Life*

"The lack of hurry makes room for God's grace."

May we be men and women after God's heart as David the shepherd boy, fugitive, and king, had been.  Hezekiah, Daniel and Esther were all working against the urgency of time and situation but took time out to weigh matters before the LORD.  We can too.



Take courage, and obey.  May God bless you in the process.

                                                      ~ERC  September 2021~

Based on 1 Samuel 27-31 and 2 samuel 1-5 (NIV).

*Check out Ashley Hales' book  A Spacious Life.  

Slow down and seek God.  BE with Him.  Bathe and Bask in His presence.  Listen for His direction.

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