Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Book Review - Churchill, Master and Commander - By Anthony Tucker-Jones - Publication Date 23 November 2021


What an indefatigable fellow Winston Chuchill had been!  He certainly had not let grass grow under his feet; constantly on the move from an early age.  Wars, newspaper reporter, authoring books, and politics were among his favorite activites; war seemingly at the top of the list, as seen in this biography by Anthony Tucker-Jones.  I was much surprized by all I learned about this "Master and Commander".  Had no idea.  I was always under the impression he'd kind of come up out of the blue to mastermind Hitler's defeat during WWII.  Reading of his life's activities and seeing all he'd been into, gave me pause to see Churchill in a more comprehensive light and gain better understanding of the man, warrior, politication, and so on.  Brilliant man and one instrumental in helping win a war against a tyrant was/is to be applauded despite some of the not so great things he had engaged in.

Those readers who like strategies of war will like this 'play by play' of the numerous wars Churchill had embroiled himself  in, in his younger years. One can't help but to admire the strength, fortitude, hope and courage he emanated out to his people to persevere and strive together especially during that WWII crisis against many odds.  All the lessons he'd learned and mined from, from a full life already lived, served him well at the crucial climax of time.  When all's said and done,   I do concur with author Tucker-Jones that Churchill was indeed a "Master and Commander" and that, par excellence.

This book will also offers maps and the dates of various wars in which Churchill fought and a sequenced list thereof.  There are also other references to Online Churchill Resources for those who seek further information.

                                               ~Eunice R., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            October 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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