Sunday, November 29, 2020

Good Book - Winged Life


One hardly knows how to begin this review of the book Winged Life by author Hannah Hurnard.  It is another one I have read eons ago but have been re-reading of late.  However, it almost feels as if I'd never read it before.

First of all, I had been under the impression it was the third volume in a trilogy; a continuation from Hinds' Feet on High Places and Mountains of Spices, also written by Hannah Hurnard.  It is not, per se.

Therefore, while reading I needed to adjust my perceptions as there are no mentions of Much Afraid nor of Grace and Glory, the heroine of the aforementioned books.  However, it is my belief, that indirectly, this is an elaboration of what was the underlying themes of those two allegorical chronicles.

Hurnard has some very challenging and perhaps, even revolutionary, thoughts she shares in this mini-treatise, the subject of this review.  She writes about:  "Victory in the Thought Life" (convicting); the "Gift of Imagination" (an eye-opener); "Reading Habits" (more conviction); "The Law of Love" (How God is LOVE, and how we can and should [as children of God] be governed and govern others, with His love); and one that is profound, "True Ground of Unity" (this is also of "breaking news" status)!

Hurnard's point in discussing these, among other outlines and "keys" for living, are to enable the child of God to have a life of freedom and enjoyment in Christ.

She says,

"As we think, so we are."

This is true to a great extent.  She is very blunt in many ways in her telling "it".

My favorite "freeing" bit is what she has to say about imagination.  Many quote the verse where God found that the Earth's populations' imaginations were only, 

"...evil continually" (Genesis 6:5).


"...the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked..." (Jeremiah 17:9).

I grew up with these verses ringing in my ears.  

By contrast, we have been made, 

" the image of God..." (Genesis 1:26 & 27; 5:1, 2).  

How do the former, and these latter verses correlate?

Yes, indeed, it's been a Fallen world since Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit.  Nevertheless, Jesus came to bring redemption to our souls.  Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have been redeemed.

We can now, potentially, bring all our thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) to the Holy Spirit's scrutiny, conviction and guidance, and the measure up to God's Word.  Our imaginations are allowed to be creative especially since God made it a part of our human psyche.  

Mayhap, a label should read, "Potential hazard.  Use with caution.  Double Check with the Savior."

Our thoughts can be transformed; from ashes to beauty; from cursing to blessing; from self-deprecation to the dignity of being a child of God and servant of King Jesus.

With these freeing thoughts we can begin a "Winged Life", in and with Christ.

                                                      ~ERC  November 2020~

Winged Life

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