Saturday, November 21, 2020

Prayer - Sweeter Than Honey


LORD, You are our Rock and Redeemer.  Without You, we would be nothing.  On the contrary, in Christ, we are everything because of Your redeeming grace through Jesus.  You've made us righteous in Your sight and adopted us into Your family.

We, Your sons and daughters, come to You with praise in our mouths and meditations of You in our thoughts and hearts.  Indeed, You have made us glad and able to rejoice.

Slowly, (we are often slow learners Father, so thank-You for Your patience) but surely we are learning from Your words and valuing our relationship with You as David, the psalmist, who wrote Psalm 19 describes.

Here's his list.  He says:

Your law = is perfect

               = revives the soul

Your statutes = are trustworthy

                      = make the simple wise

Your precepts = are right

                        = give joy to the heart

Your commands = are radiant

                            = give light to the eyes

Your ordinances = are sure

                           = altogether lovely

They are = more precious than pure gold

              = sweeter than honey

             = they warn and give great reward when kept (obeyed)

Your words meant all that to David, Father. They were his treasure, his life-breath.  May we in all good conscious declare this too, as we draw closer to You by digging deeply into Your words, understanding them and obeying them.

During my growing up years, we used to sing these word repeatedly.  They were put to a catchy tune and folks could even sing a descant with them.  It was a wonderful way to memorize Your words, Father.  May we grow into them so that our "meditations" of our hearts will indeed be pleasing in Your sight.

When our minds are filled the sweet goodness and sure guidance of with Your words, our actions follow suit and will be honoring and glorifying You.

Keep us all from secret, hidden faults; from willful sins.  May they never rule us.  Father, may we be ruled by You and your words which are sweeter than honey, instead.

"On Christ the solid Rock we stand;" built on Christ our Redeemer.

In Christ Jesus, our Redeemer's Name we praise and pray.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 19:1-14 (NIV).

Sing Psalm 19, (The Law of the Lord) with gusto.

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