Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Prayer - My Shepherd and I


LORD, You are my Shepherd and I shall not want.

You make me sit down on the sofa to listen to soft hymn music and to read Your Word; to be in Your presence and to commune with You.

This restores my soul, my peace of mind, my sanity.  It also leads me to Your paths of righteousness to carry out my household & school tasks with better attitude and character (we trust), for Your Name's sake and for Jesus my Good Shepherd's sake.

Even though I trudge through knee-deep, or higher, frustrations and repeated daily annoyances, and even in the COVID era shadow of death, I will fear no evil.

I will live by faith and not be governed by fear or foolishness, because You are ever with me.  Your Word and Holy Spirit rebuke, exhort and teach, and comfort me.

You have anointed me with the oil of gladness and of your Holy Spirit because I am Your daughter-in-Christ.  You have made me part of Your royal priesthood.

May my cup overflow with the knowledge of Your care and the coming aside and sitting awhile on that sofa to dine at Your table which You have prepared in the midst of my busyness and worldly cares.  The face of the foes of laziness and gracelessness, and other such enemies, be overthrown and escorted away in repentance.

I thank you that I do not have many, if any, flesh and blood enemies, that I can even think of, except Your worse enemy, Satan (who is not flesh and blood).  He who lurks and roars seeking how he many devour and deceive.  You help me fight with Your army of angels and Living Word, in place, and enable one to stand, not be shaken, and to pray.

Thank-You that Your table is already prepared for such inevitable events to aid in time of attack. Along with all Your children, I wrestle not against flesh and blood but the evil forces of the evil one.  Your table is a comfort  and help.  From it, I feed on Your Word.  You are my shield against the fiery darts and wiles of the devil.

Turning to You, I thank You that Your goodness and mercy will always follow me and that I will dwell in Your house and sit on Your sofa and at Your table to fellowship with You in Your mansion one day of Your choosing, and be able to sit there forever to revel in Your presence.  I can't wait.

With joy I look up to You, Jesus, my Shepherd, Savior and Friend.  In Your Name, I pray and praise.

                                                         ~ERC October 2020~

Based on Psalm 23;1-6

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