Saturday, November 28, 2020

Prayer - Victories in Christ


O LORD, this housewife rejoices in Your strength.  I'm Your daughter and revel in how great our joy can be when You give victory over battles of life.  Battles, which when perseveringly pushed through, potentially produce character and  positive attitudes in line with Your ways.

May You grant her desire to have more grace.  This, she firmly believes You do not withhold upon request from her lips.  She asks.  You grant. Blessed Father.  You welcome her with this rich blessing of grace, of peace, of mercy, even of forgiveness.

You have placed a crown of pure gold upon her head but often, she does not realize or remember it's up there and it nigh slips off when she's bowed down with earth's doings and challenges.  This often overwhelms the soul.  She asks for life and breath to sustain through them all.  You do give to her abundantly but she doesn't always realize.

She does not ask for length of days.  She wants to get through them.  However, You have given her the fortitude and the "for ever and ever" as in "everlasting life".  That she's eternally grateful for, which You gave her through salvation in Jesus Christ Your Son.

In this, she rejoices and believes its' a victory, because it is a victory only through Jesus Christ who has won the victory over Satan, sin and death.  Death, therefore, really does no longer have the sting.  So, she does not mind shorter number of days on Earth.

Nevertheless, many people want more than twenty-four hours a day because of having so many things to do and not enough time to do them; this daughter of Yours, included.  Help us prioritize and to do constructive things and not waste time.

Having said that though, Father, we all need times to sit back and relax in Your presence; and come aside and rest awhile.  This is not a time waster.  There are plenty of other things that do waste the time.  May there be victory over the time wasters.  May You get the glory in all our lives.

You bestowed splendor and majesty upon this housewife as You have done for King David, the author of Psalm 21.  You did this because she is Your daughter.  You've also done this for all the followers of Jesus Christ.  We are Your sons and daughters who want to praise and thank You.

We are sons and daughters of Yours, Father, and as we get a hold of that and perceive we do have a golden crown on our head and that you have put it there.  A crown of victory, righteousness through Jesus.  Due to these, may we walk with dignity and in circumspection before You.

We trust in You, LORD. Trust in Your unfailing love.  You are the Most High God.  You have given us Your love.  Thank-You.  It is this love that sent us Jesus.  What a huge sacrifice upon the cross for all mankind.  He humbly, willingly, submitted to You in that Garden of Gethsemane as He prayed in agony.  Such was the extreme intensity of the distress and struggle, His sweat came like great drops of blood from His brow.

Jesus' humanness would want to forego yet His divine-ness, would acquiesce to Your divine will, ways and purpose for which He was sent.  He moved forward despite the personal cost of that decision.  He embraced it not just because of Your love for us but out of His love and compassion for all mankind.

When we trust in You and Your unfailing love we will not be shaken.  It is a strong bulwark we can count on.  Help us to cling on to Your love and realize in our minds, and way deep down in the inner sanctums of our hearts that you LOVE us and that love is UNFAILING.

In You we can trust, knowing Your hand will lay hold of all our enemies and Your right hand will seize our foes.  You give us protection  as well as Your unfailing love.   Even though Satan means difficulties and temptations for harm, You will turn it into good.

You did this for Jesus and all mankind.  Satan wanted to get rid of Jesus so badly.  He instigated Judas Iscariot, the members of the Sanhedrin (religious leaders who should have known better), and eventually the Jewish crowds, all to turn against Him.  They wanted to be rid of Him and in a most awful way of dispatch.

They did NOT want Him to gain salvation to bridge that gap between God and mankind.  No they did NOT.  However, You, Father, turned it into that wonderful marvelous love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He swallowed up Your wrath upon the tree.  At the time of Jesus appearing in the world, He constantly set His face towards Jerusalem and to His purpose.   He took Your wrath, the consequences of our sins upon Himself, this meant for mankind to bear.

Your fire, Father, was a consuming fire that Jesus endured upon the cross.  The worse part of all being the separation from You, His loving Father.  He went through it all, going the full length, width, breadth, and heat for us, to destroy the curse sin brought upon the world and everyone and everything in it.

In its full fulfillment some day, we will go to be with You in Heaven.

Those who plot evil against You and Your sons and daughters, those who devise evil schemes, they will not succeed in the implementing, for You will make them turn their backs.  You will aim at them with your "drawn bow".  

Right now, action is to heap coals of fire upon the enemies' heads (Romans 12:20 and Proverbs 25:19-22).  Our enemy, which is flesh and blood as were Jesus enemies of the Sanhedrin members, etc., but remembering that behind them is the real enemy, Satan.  We wrestle against the "principalities and powers of the air" orchestrated by Satan.

Upon human beings, our ammunition is "coals of fire" Father, and you allow us to "fire at will" with these.  Coals of your love, Your peace and Your grace and mercy, and yes, even of Your forgiveness.  I almost choke on that.  Difficult to do at times.  Sometimes the "coals of fire" could be more than the abstract, it could be an honest to goodness cup of water or morsel to eat.   May these turn the many from their wicked ways.  In so doing, You will have destroyed the hold the enemy has upon them and their descendants.  In turn, they too, with Your aid and assistance, will turn their backs on the evil one and those who plot evil and devise wicked schemes..  This is what your sons and daughters should do.

Then we can exalt You oh Lord.  In Your strength that You give us and we sing praise to You of Your might Your grace and how You work in our lies and the lives we touch on Your behalf.

We, whether housewives, breadwinners, sons or daughters, all, give You praise and thank-You in the Name of Jesus, our blessed Redeemer.  We declare, "Hallelujah, What a Savior!"  We crown You King of kings and Lord of lords.  In Him we have victory and in His name we praise and pray.

                                                          ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 21:1-9 NIV

Sing Wonderful, Marvelous Love  David Asley Trent and Crown Him with Many Crowns. (not sure which choir).

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