Friday, November 6, 2020

Prayer - Houses of Sighs & Songs


There was a long, drawn out sigh.  Then another.  A few moments later some more sighs as she sat and cogitated about life and maybe even her plight.  She sighed often. 

Psalter David sighed and he wanted the LORD to hear and consider his sighs.  These were sighs for help and requests.  These sighs contained expectancy.  Sighs of purpose.

Father God, thank-You for hearing our sighs.  Our burdens many times are so great we can't find the words.

Yet David sighed with purpose and hope as he knew You heard and knew You would do something about it even though you already knew all about it.  Yet he still would offer up those lamenting sighs.  

He had every confidence in You, Father.  His well-founded belief that You do NOT take pleasure in evil, and that the arrogant, lying blokes could not stand in Your presence as You abhor such deeds.  Your holiness precludes them an audience with You.  So David put his case to You, which in some ways also sounded prideful.

Nevertheless, he had the privilege to come into Your presence (unlike the unworthy wicked), and into Your house, the Tabernacle of Your presence, where he bowed down in reverence.

Father, into Your holy presence we are directed by David's example.  We come with our sighs of expectancy and uncertainty.  We come in repentance of any secret or otherwise wrongs we may be harboring.  We come into Your righteous presence for care, guidance and protection because of our sighs perpetrated by enemy attack and schemes.

Father thank-You so much for the free will You have given us, that despite evil influences, despite human schemes against us, as they were upon Your Son Jesus, Judas Iscariot and the eleven other disciples (Luke 22), during that fateful Passion Week, we can choose to turn our faces towards Your holy "Temple" where You abide.

So saying, we bring our sighs into Your "House of Sighs" where we can take refuge and sigh as much as we like until You turn our sighs into songs of joy.

Spread Your protection and love over us all...May we rejoice in You as you surround us with a shield of love.  We are Yours through Jesus; made righteous through Him.  May your favor rest upon us night and day.  Therefore, our expectations are fulfilled in Your way.

We willingly turn and give joyful praise as You turn our sighs to rejoicings because You have not disappointed those of us who love Your Name.

Thank-You for the blessings You bestow upon us.  Truly, our help comes from You and as we contemplate upon our lives and with Your intervention we will be assured our sighs have not been in vain.  Then we can sing.

In Jesus' most precious and holy Name we bow down to You, Father, and sigh and sing reverently and with joy.

                                                        ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 5:1-12 NIV

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