Friday, November 20, 2020

Prayer - Tiptoeing Through the Tombstones

 Yesterday, I was tiptoeing through virtual tombstone epitaphs.  What got me triggered to do that was reading Psalm 16:9-11, and then my sis sent me a picture of our parents' tombstone which finally got its engravings etched thereupon.

Oh and coincidently, while re-reading the Anne of Green Gables series of books by L.M. Montgomery, and having gotten to the book, Rainbow Valley where the motherless manse children cavort (according to the Glen St. Mary folk--well, at times, they did), in the "old" graveyard; "scandalous" and "sacrilegious" so it was, declared the village gossips, "that's what!"

Combined, all the above clicked together and gave impetus to browsing the internet for famous folks' and godly Christian men and women's epitaph engravings.  Strange doings, perhaps, but one can discover what had been among the most important, to the respective "dearly departed," while still "in life".  

For instance...

There was Joe DiMaggio, one of America's best baseball players.  The words gracing his tombstone are:

"Grace, dignity and elegance personified".

Entertainer, singer and dancer Betty Hutton was said to be, 

"Loved by all".

The many hit songs-singer, Frank Sinatra's headstone declares, 

"The best is yet to come."

OH, there was the much loved, peaceful, non-violent, freedom fighter, activist's and society changer, Martin Luther King, Jr's, which reads,

"Free at last, Free at last, thank God Almighty, I'm free at last".

It was a surprise to me to discover what Winston Churchill-the "bulldog" who stopped Hitler during WWII - was prepared to "go".  He said, in perpetuity (as long as his gravestone lasts), 

"I am ready to meet my Maker!"

What do you make of that?

Then there's a sad one. A comedian by the handle, Spike Milligan, who's last laugh culminated as, 

"I told you I was ill".

Yes, at first blush it is amusing but think of it....

That's when I had to switch over and take a peer at those who we knew, absolutely to be, "in Christ".

My favorite one hales back to the 6th century.

"Here lies Maxima a servant of Christ...She was most friendly, loyal in everything good and prudent."

Isn't that wondrous!  (Of course I didn't know her too well, ahem...but because of the inscription "a servant of Christ", I include it here.)

The most recent "famous" Ravi Zacharias', I could not find but I'd be interested to know what was put on his grave marker.  Of course, again, his spiritual legacy lingers on which is of great engraving significance upon many, the world over.

Billy Graham's reads, 

"Preacher of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ."  

Apparently he had always wanted, "Preacher", if we all didn't get "Raptured" first.

Billy's wife, Ruth Graham's is kind of cute.  It's engraved,

"End of construction.  Thank-you for your patience."

So true to the Christian's progressive sanctification process.  There's always something to "construct" even if you were one of the most godliest of saints.

Last, but not least, I must tell you what's on my parents' shared headstone.

"With Christ, far better" (Philippians 1:29).

There are so many more I could share with you all but they are just a part of my point in penning them on paper--uhh, so to speak.

Swirl your mind back to Psalm 16:  it's such a wonderful one all through but do turn your attention to the last verses, 8-11 (NIV).

"Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will You let Your faithful one see decay.  You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand."

Heavenly Father, thank-You so much that many of those dear saints of yours who have gone on to be "with Christ" ahead of us remaining earthbound, have indeed,"...set the Lord always before" them as David, the psalmist, had done.

You are  their "right hand" and even though they likely had many of life's trials and temptations assail them, most were NOT "shaken" because of their trust and dependence upon You in their life.  You were their "anchor of the soul".

Their tongues were often heard to rejoice because their hearts were glad in You and Your Son Jesus Christ.  They often sang praises to You for all You did for them through Jesus.

They were secure in their beliefs that should their bodies "rest" and "decay" that they had the "sure hope" that one day, their souls and spirits would "rejoin" their bodies, albeit "transformed" ones.  They'd be "with Christ", which was/is, "far better".

They would NOT be "abandoned to the grave" (v.10).  It was not just six feet under and that was that; not a "cease to be" as the sect of the Sadducees believed in Jesus' time on earth.

Praise You Father because we know Your Holy One Jesus was also NOT "abandoned to the grave, nor did He see decay" (vs 10).  Because He lives, we are assured we will too!  We serve a LIVING God and that's You, Father.

One may never have realized David believed in resurrection but this Psalm is testimony to it.  If we are in Christ, we will go to be with Christ and this is cause for jubilation despite the loss of our loved ones and/or the circumstances surrounding their deaths.

Being on this wonderful "path of life" can certainly "fill me with joy in Your presence, Father" (v22 NIV).  Just think, we will have "eternal pleasures" and delights at Your right hand!

We can only praise You and do so in the risen Name of Jesus.  "He's alive and I'm forgiven, heaven's gates are opened wide" (so goes a song Don Francisco [and others] sing).    Jesus was not long enough in His tomb to have any inscriptions but He did have one above His cross before He died which read, much the the Sanhedrin's fury,'

"Jesus, King of the Jews".

Pilate refused to change it.

God would have His witness to His Son.

Father God, these are all heady thoughts to think of while tiptoeing through tombstones the world over. 

                                                    ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 16:1-11 NIV.

Sing along with Don Francisco, "He's Alive".

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