Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Prayer - Chock Full of Blessing


What a blessing this Psalm of blessings is.  Rather a shepherd-y thing to do; King David looking out for his "sheep"--herding his "flock" to their "God of Jacob's" care.

"May God answer them in their distress" and give them the "desires of their heart", "make all their plans succeed" and "grant all their requests", he requests of God on their behalf.  Such abundance and blessing, he asks.

We too wish the best for ourselves and our families and there isn't anything wrong with it, except...

However, David is mindful of where our trust should be placed and "NOT in chariots or horses, rather in the Name of the Lord our God".  NOT in the materialistic but the spiritual.  In our relationship with our Heavenly Father and not in "things" He bestows upon us.

Look to the spiritual blessings and be chock full of those.  Why?  'Cuz when we are brought to our knees and life's troubles strike, we will rise up and stand firm in them!

Oh, Father God, and Jesus our great and mighty Shepherd, we come to You in the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ.  May all the blessings of Psalm 21 be ours so we can "shout for joy" in victory and declare Your Name and validate our trust in You.

Be our "Help", our "Support" our "Desire" and our "Answerer of Requests".  We, Your children through our trust in Jesus' saving grace and salvation, pray expectantly and humbly.  May we indeed lift up the banners of our life, to You and Your Name.

Accept our sacrifices and offerings, feeble though they may be.  These, our heartfelt praises of gratitude and for all You have done for us through Jesus and in Your care over us; in Your answering us when we call to You.  In Your help from ages past to our present circumstances we give You our adoration.

We can rise up and stand firm in our walk with You and service of good deeds You have ordained for us to do.  Shower us chock full of Your blessings and answer us when we call to You as we remember to lift up our voices in grateful praise.  

Thank You, in Jesus' precious Name; all glory and honor be Yours.

                                                       ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 21:1-9 NIV

Sing, Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow along with the Westminister Abby Congregants 

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