Saturday, November 7, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Who's in Control?


Proverbs 21:1 informs us,

"In the LORD's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please Him" (NIV).

Father, You, our Creator, are in control; not we, your creatures.

Thinking back to the scenes just before Your Son Jesus was taken to the cross and the various individuals or groups of individuals who thought they were the ones in control propelling Jesus to His death.  Satan, for the big one, influencing the others, was in his element in these events.  Judas Iscariot; the Sanhedrin--the Jewish religious leaders; the Temple Guard; Pilate, Herod; the Roman soldiers--they all thought they were "swinging the bat".

Father, they were way off base in their surmises.  All those influences combined together were used by You.  You channeled all their envy, hate, greed, ego and brawn, foiling their plans and like a huge stream of water, funneled their actions to affect Your purpose.  What Satan had meant for harm, You transformed into eternal good for all those who please You through their faith in Jesus and his shed blood; His life-giving sacrifice.

The sacrifice You bought and brought redemption for all mankind, through Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Praise the Lord!  We have You to thank.

Now Jesus is alive and I'm forgiven right along with so many multitudes of others who have accepted your rescue plan of salvation down throughout the ages from the crucifixion time till now.  May we all now live to please and serve You with our lives.

On this Lord's Day, help us to remember all of this freely given love and sacrifice which totally satisfied You.  Your children are now redeemed.  May we love to proclaim it as we pass the broken bread and cup of wine one to another in remembrance of Jesus' death and resurrection and Your wondrous gift of love.

I'm forever grateful You are in control, Father God.  In Jesus, my Redeemer's precious name I pray and praise.

                                                     ~ERC November 2020~

Based on Proverbs 21:1 NIV.

Sing, Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It.  along with the Bill & Gloria clan.

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