Saturday, November 14, 2020

Prayer - Defending the Fatherless


Heavenly Father, there are so many people who are oppressed and/or fatherless.  Who will stand up for their cause and plight?

In Bible times the fatherless and widows didn't stand much of a chance.  Widows, and therefore their offspring, were way down there on the society class spectrum; the lowest of the lowest echelons.

Being a woman was "stroke against" enough, but add in the widow bit and it was exceedingly appalling especially if she did not have any male protector such as a grown son, brother, father, uncle, or as the Jewish law dictated, if the widow was left childless, her deceased husband's brother to wed her and raise up a child to the husband's name and inheritance.

In Jesus' time, we see His teaching and kindness re: and towards widows.  He put new concept into the minds of the populace, especially that time they must have all stood, mouth agape, when He stopped a funeral mid-procession and raised the widow of Naan's only son to life (Luke 7:11-17).

Compassion, Father.  Compassion and kindness.

Thank-You for Your example through Jesus.

The parable Jesus told of the widow and the unjust judge should also have brought shame upon the Pharisees and other religious leaders who were in the habit of devouring the widows' houses instead of helping them (Luke 20:47).  A widow, with no one to stand up for her rights, besieged by an adversary come to crush her, appealed to the unjust judge.  Thankfully, her persistence won her, his help, despite his motive to bring her justice against the one attempting to harm her.  He didn't want her "wearing him out"!

Father, You certainly do move in mysterious ways, Your wonders to perform.  I thank You for it.

The character of the wicked who "hunts down" their victims spurred on by their greed, pride and "mouths full of lies"; waiting in ambush to pounce, as a lion stalking its prey.  There are such awfully wicked people in this world Father!

Truly, mankind's heart is deceitful and evil continually (Jeremiah 17:9).

Thank-You for sending Jesus to remedy our fallen nature and its sin and degradation from its consequences and to bring us back into fellowship, relationship and even partnership with You!

I say, partnership because even in the New Testament we discover what the apostles and later, Paul, reminded the believers of, to care for the poor, fatherless and widows; the class of the oppressed.

It is of great comfort to learn that You, Yourself, are a Father to the fatherless.  David remarked in Psalm 10:18; You

 "...defend them..." 

and with such a glorious result, 

"mere earthly mortals will never strike again."

It was amazing what You did for the widow in the prophet Elisha's time (2 Kings 4:1-7).  Her husband, when he died, had left her in debt.  Her husband had feared the Lord she said and cried to Elisha for help.

The prophet Elisha told her to find as many jars as she could and fill them up with her "little oil" (vs 2) and then sell the oil and pay the creditor.  This in turn, would keep the fellow from taking her two sons as slaves.

She obediently followed Elisha's instructions and was exonerated.

There must be so many other widow stories of God's care of widows, in the Bible, and out.  Ruth and Naomi from the book of Ruth had the care and protection of Boaz who eventually married her.  I believe, Father, You gave Naomi the wisdom and foresight to remember  Your laws for the good of widows.  This is how You protected them.

I've read the autobiography of a widow I knew of in my home country whose preacher husband suddenly passed away, leaving her with many children under her roof.  She told of times when she would go to church and when she came out there would be a sack of potatoes sitting on the back seat of her car that was not there when she had gone in to praise and worship and remember what her Savior had done for her.  The kindness and generosity of some brother or sister in Christ supplied a need her little family had.  Her faith in You grew and was sustained.  Praise You for those brothers and sisters who have listened to Your promptings to do these good deeds.

On numerous other occasions You supplied what she needed:  winter coats, shoes, even an operation, among other things.  You are a wonder, Father.

Father, may widows and fatherless who fear You take heart that You care even if at times it seems the wicked prosper and You are distant.  May they cry out,

"Why, O LORD, do You stand far off?  Why do You hide Yourself in times of trouble?"

Then Father, You are big on mercy and "just in time", You swoop in and decisively care and defend the victims who commit themselves to you.  We give You glory and praise because You have not forgotten the helpless in their "trouble and grief".

"Encourage them and listen to their cry"
 and may none 

"terrify them any longer" (vs 17, 18).

In Jesus, our Advocate's Name, Amen.

                                                ~ERC October 2020~

Based Psalm 10:1-18 NIV

Sing, God Moves in a Mysterious Way along with the Choir Cathedral of St. Peter Asaba

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