Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Prayer - How Fools Become Wise



"the fool says in his heart there is no God" (Psalm14:1 NIV).  

However, Father, I'm so glad You are there.  That You are.  That You exist.  You are the Great, I AM.  You always were and will always be.  Aseity.

May there be fools who say that You do not exist but that do become wise in the knowledge of Your being.  Be their vision.  Bring them to Yourself through Jesus.

"You look down from heaven upon us all" (vs 2).

You want to see if any one of us seeks You.  Do we understand?

Father, we will never understand You.  You are so great,  Your thoughts are so big compared to ours.  Nevertheless, thank-You so much for making Yourself known to many of us to some degree through Jesus.

You came "in person" so we could "see" You.

Did the people of those times "get it"?  Not many.  Even the disciples were kerflummoxed and of such a confused state of bewilderment.  Wasn't this the Messiah who would be their King and set up His Kingdom then and there and help them conquer their Roman conquerors?

Why was He tortured and crucified and buried?  

Thankfully, the apostles and disciples did eventually have their understanding and insight opened after Jesus had risen, and they could have the proper response:  belief, salvation.  Then they had Your message to tell.

Most of the peoples of the earth turned away from You.  So corrupt.  Certainly mankind was not good.

Only Your Son Jesus was found to be the Perfect One.  Our Lamb of God to endure Your wrath on our behalf.

Yet evil doers wanted Him gone.  Gone.  Gone so He wouldn't disturb their thoughts nor ruffle their feathers nor their every day way of hypocritical living.  

They said they knew God yet they were only living a ritual of Your ways; another kind of fool.

They were not operating out of a heart governed by love of You.


 "frustrate the plans of the evildoers"(vs 6).

Indeed You did!  What Satan meant for harm, You turned into something beautiful and wonderful!  You brought us that salvation.

David, in this Psalm 14, lamented for Israel,

"Oh that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion..." (vs 7).

Well, it did at Your "doing" hands, through Jesus.

Jacob and Israel did not rejoice nor were they glad then.  No, they rejected Jesus, their Prince of Peace; King of kings and Lord of lords, their Redeemer and Rescuer.  Yet they have not been totally forsaken.

Praise You, Father.  Praise Jesus.

Salvation is unto all--in this we rejoice and are glad despite being a Gentile.  

We have a better term now, Father and its all Your work.  We, Jew and Gentile alike, who come to You through Jesus Christ Your Son, are "children of God".  Your children.

May there be many more 'fools' becoming wise children of God through salvation in Jesus Christ.  Jesus our Refuge.  May You find us with growing understanding of You and Your ways and living in obedience to them.

In Jesus our Refuge's Name we praise and pray.

                                                     ~ERC  October 2020~

Based on Psalm 14:1-7 NIV

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