Friday, June 10, 2016

Thankful Heart

I just want to share a poem I recently rediscovered which I found in one of Barbara Johnson's books many years ago.  I believe it came from her "Mama, Get the Hammer!  There's a Fly on Papa's Head" book.

 The poem is entitled...

                                          "A Thankful Heart Is a Happy Heart"

"A garment is mentioned in God's Word That fits every lady He madeIt's lovely and beautiful, modest and chic And guaranteed never to fade.It's fit is perfect and never too long...It's never too short and always in style...In fact, it's a garment you'll love! This garment is "PRAISE" with a heart full of joy.

For then your heaviness goes. You'll feel a new peace and sorrow will cease And leave in your heart a new glow. With heaviness gone and your heart filled with song. Sing praise to the Lord on His throne. He's dwelling inside and will comfort And guide each one who is truly His own. You're suitably dressed wearing garments of praise. The fit will be perfect on you. Just try it!  You'll see!  Then join in with me; Together we'll praise God anew!"

Poem written by Norma Wiltse

I have tried this before and it certainly helps.  May I encourage any of you who read this to indeed "Sing Praise" to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Connect with Him.  He will help to turn your sorrow and sadness into joy.  May the joy of the Lord be your strength as you go through your tough times as well as the good times.  He will lift your spirit up. 
                                                                 ~ERC  2016~

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