Friday, June 24, 2016

Morning Musings-Is Melchizedek, Jesus?

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Melchizedek is introduced to us here in Hebrews 7:1-10 (read from 6:16 onward).  He was the "king of Salem and the priest of God Most High" (7:1).  His name means "king of righteousness".  'Salem' means "peace," so he was king of righteousness and peace.  His ancestry could not be traced as he was without father or mother.  Quite mysterious.  He had no beginning nor end of days and was "like the Son of God and remains priest forever".  

He is obviously greater than Abraham as Abraham gave him obeisance and the tithe, a tenth of the plunder he'd gotten from his recent rescue mission to get his nephew Lot back from an invading alliance of kings (Genesis 14).  

Who is this Melchizedek?  Is he Jesus?  Was he the manifestation of God a way back then?  Why would Abraham give him obeisance and tithes to him?  Why does it say in 6:20, Jesus became a high priest forever "in the order of Melchizedek?"  In Hebrews 7:3 we read that Melchizedek was "like the Son of God" and that "he remains a priest forever."

In Mathematics if A = B, and B = C, therefore A should = C.  However, one must see a key word here; 7:3 states "LIKE the Son of God" which denotes very, very similar but not exactly the same.

If you go on line you'll find a very good article in answer to this question, "Is Melchizedek, Jesus?"  It gives a very comprehensive answer, here's the address.  It's rather long but the explanation is beautiful and written by John MacArthur of Grace to You.  Please go and have a read of it.

One should interject here too that Jesus is NOT a reincarnation of Melchizedek either.  There is no such thing as reincarnation to begin with and that's a whole other topic for some other time.

Why would the Holy Spirit work through the author of Hebrews to bring up the subject of Melchizedek?  As mentioned in an earlier blog, it was noted that Abraham was a great man but that Jesus is even greater.  

Here, in chap 7 it reminds the Hebrews that Abraham gave obeisance to Melchizedek and also a tithe.  Melchizedek blesses Abraham as "the lesser person is blessed by the greater" (vs 7),

Melchizedek was "LIKE the Son of God.  Jesus is the Son of God, He is NOT the type, as was Melchizedek but rather the full-fledged High Priest of God who "became the guarantee of a better covenant" (vs 22) and has the "power of an indestructible life" (vs 16).

This all impacts the Jewish (Hebrew) mind and they would have been compelled to admit that Jesus is more than just a man and a great prophet, but would need to turn to Him in faith and acknowledge that Jesus is the One and Only High Priest for them.  Jesus being the Way to God.

Go and have a read of the Grace to You explanation; it will be well worth your time.  It's well written and enlightening.  When you discover that Jesus is truly the High Priest and the Most High God, humbly bow to Him and make Him your personal High Priest.  He is ever waiting for you.  Admit you are a sinner.  Admit that Jesus is the One who can make atonement for you.  Ask Him to do so.  Repent of your sins.  "The blood of Jesus Christ cleans from all sin." (1 John 1:7).  Thank Him.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

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