Friday, June 17, 2016

Morning Musings-Pay Careful Attention

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Like I said before, angels are fascinating creatures.  People generally look up to them and will trust what they say.  If they are the good ones, I believe we can trust them.  If they are a fallen angel, BEWARE!  If we are enthralled with, and would trust and believe, these wondrous creatures, why would we not trust the One who made them even more?  Hebrews 2:1 asks this question.  

Chapter one of Hebrews tells us that Jesus, the Son of God is the One who speaks to us now.  We need to pay attention so we do not drift away from Him.  We have heard the message of Jesus; received it; testified to it by signs and wonders, miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit just as those Hebrews had before us.  What greater evidence than that did they, or even do we, need that this salvation, a gift from God through Jesus Christ God's Son, is the real thing?  We cannot afford to ignore it.

Persecution may come.  Persevere.  We have all the right reasons as mentioned above to continue on.  Keep on, keeping on.

The author of Hebrews is saying that God is still in control and He is there for you despite the persecution and anything else you may encounter in life.  Jesus, His Son, went through all that.  Jesus is still 
the Savior of our souls.  He came to destroy the power of sin and 
death.  He felt what you may have felt or even feel at present.  He too was tempted, yet did not succumb to the temptations.  He knows; He understands.  He is still present and able to free all from the slavery of the power of sin and of death and the fear of death.  We can be victorious as He was victorious with His help.

No angels ever did that sort of thing for human beings.  

Jesus is GREATER than the angels.

What has He done?

Jesus has broken the power of sin and death.

He has broken the power of the curse of sin in a fallen world.  Even the animals can't escape that curse.  They get sick and decrepit and die as we human beings do yet they have no soul to save.  So this message is very important for us human beings to pay careful attention to.  No matter how good-living a person may be, each and every person in the whole wide world still needs Jesus.  

They/We need Jesus' help to remove the death penalty from ourselves no matter what.  You get born into this world; you are a sinner doomed to hell. We sin, we suffer, we die, we are on our way to hell.  We are all on 'death row' but Jesus shows us the pardon in the nail marks in His hands and feet and the spear piercing in His side to offer all who will receive His gift of love for the individual.  We can't help ourselves.  There is no way to work enough to pay for those sins ourselves.  Jesus did it all.  Why not let Him give you that salvation?

                                                                    ~ERC  2016~

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