Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Morning Musings-On to Maturity

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast... the end of Hebrews chapter 5 we saw the admonition to those who had received Jesus Christ as Savior and High Priest but had not matured in their spiritual growth and faith in Christ.  They had not been constantly using God's Word nor had they allowed it to train them, nor be able to distinguish good from evil.

In the Hebrews chapter 6:1-12 portion today we see a continuation of that rebuke.  Here is an encouragement to "leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity" (vs 1).

There is a condition though in that many may only have "tasted" the goodness of God and been enlightened (vs 4-5) but had not "combined this with faith;"  therefore, all their knowledge and 'tastes' of God have been of no value to them (Hebrews 4:2).   Many children who grow up in Christian homes have had a wealth of this type of 'enlightenment' from God's Word.  This is a wonderful privilege; don't let it go to waste.  Have faith in God and in Jesus's finished work for you on the cross.

For many in the Hebrews' time there had been enlightenment, but no repentance and no faith.  An example of such was Judas Iscariot during Jesus's time on earth.  He walked with Jesus and the other eleven disciples for about 3 years.  He had heard all of Jesus's teachings, had seen the miracles and even likely had performed some himself.   Yet his latter end was remorse and suicide.  He had not combined his knowledge and experience with repentance and faith.  He had "tasted" but had not "chewed and swallowed."

If anyone professes faith in Christ but shows little evidence of maturity, others will wonder if there is a true declaration of said faith in Jesus Christ.  However, God is the One to know the hearts so we cannot judge.  The book of James tells us though that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:14-26).

Evidence of faith as seen in Hebrews 6:7-8 is fruit and the production of a useful crop.  Hebrews 6:9-12 describes what accompanies salvation:  character (Christ-like); diligence, good works, helping others in His kingdom; perseverance despite persecution.  The person will hold true to the faith despite fear; they will overcome fear. Faith and patience will aid them to inherit what was promised.

The good seed of God's Word falls on many just as rain falls on all types of ground.  The rain produces two reactions:  fruitfulness and unfruitfulness.  A crop useful to the farmer and others is a blessing but unfruitful thorns and thistles are destined to be cursed and burned.

So too, God's Word falls on many.  They 'taste' the goodness and are enlightened.  Some receive it and combine it with faith (Hebrews 4:2) producing good and mature fruit in their life.  Others have the same benefits but are not stirred to repentance nor have combined their knowledge with faith and so "fall away" (6:6).

As the Hebrews were exhorted to do, "show the very end", my sons, and "imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." (vs 11, 12).  The promised hope of eternal life with Christ is forever.  Strive on to maturity in your spiritual growth and faith in Christ Jesus; cling on to Him from now until the end of your life's journey.  May God bless you all always in your efforts for Him.  Amen.

                                                                ~ERC  2016~

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