Monday, June 20, 2016

Morning Musings-Honest Examination

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Read Hebrews 4:1-16.

Open your hearts.  Let God's Word penetrate deeply into them; into every niche and cranny.  Be open and honest before the God of Heaven and Earth.  He is the one who loves you and cares about you, don't be afraid to trust Him with microscopic examination of all your thoughts and intents of your heart.  Whatever needs the light of Jesus to show you what needs to be eradicated, bow humbly before Him and eradicate it.  What ever is of Him can stay.  

Be honest with examining yourselves against the standard of God's Word.  Whether you do so now or later, you will all have to give account of your actions to God one day.  It's best to do so sooner rather than later.  Later may be too late.  Is what was said or done for God's glory or for your own? 

After each examination, let it lead you to "holding firmly to your faith you profess" (vs 14).  Our High Priest, who was spoken of in an earlier blog about "fixing your thoughts...", is faithful.  He went through many of the things we have gone through but praise the Lord, He never sinned throughout His time on earth, or anywhere else, for that matter.  He knows and has felt all that we feel now.  So He empathizes and sympathizes with our weaknesses but there are still no excuses to not live according to God's Word.  We have God's Word to lead and guide us and His Holy Spirit living within us to aid us.  Allow Him to do His work within you.

God's grace is also at our disposal to help overcome fears and other obstacles in life.  We have His mercy to forgive us when we fail that can lead us to repentance and reconciliation in our time of need.  

Pray and ask for God's help, grace and mercy so you can give a good account of yourself to God.  You can then be a good and faithful testimony for Him.  Honest examination is the key.

Father God, I know that we can put our faith and hope and trust in You.  You are the ever faithful one.  You are the great and mighty God.  Yet I'm so thankful that you know that we are but human beings and that we have weaknesses.  Yet you are a forgiving God.  You have graciously given us your Word so we can know what You want of us, and when we examine ourselves in the light of it, we can repent and line ourselves up to Your will and ways that you have for us to be and to follow.  Help us not to be afraid to examine ourselves honestly in light of your Word.  Thank-you for Your ever offered forgiveness.  You do this out of your love for each and every one of us.  Thank-you so much.  In Jesus, our High Priest's Name, I pray.  Amen.

                                                                ~ERC  2016~

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