Friday, June 24, 2016

Morning Musings-Our Permanently Perfect Sacrifice

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

These next few verses are so very interesting (Hebrews 7:11-28).  Compare the line of Jesus's ancestry to that of Aaron and sons' in regard to how they became high priests/priests and see what you can see. 

Jesus came from the line of Judah (not a tribe of priests) while Aaron and sons came from Levi (the designated priestly tribe).  Let's backtrack a bit first though...

These priests of Levi were 'the bridge' or mediators between God and mankind.  Why was it necessary to even have such a role prescribed?   This is due to mankind's sin.  There needs to be atonement (to make amends for wrong done; to remove guilt of man's sins; a way for mankind to come back into communion with God) for sin and sinners cannot have direct access to God.  So what are we to do?

God's answer was 'priests' which He set apart and consecrated with many rules and regulations to keep them 'holy' and wholly to provide a continual atoning link to Him.

The priests were to be the facilitators for the people of Israel to bring their sacrifices for their sins and their tithes and offerings to God (Leviticus 18). 

The high priest was to be the one in more direct communion with God, to meet God in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle and later in the Temple.  This he could only  do once per year and only if he brought a blood sacrifice for his own sins in one hand, and one for the sins of the people in the other.  Should he fail to do so he would have been struck down dead immediately (Leviticus 10:1-2).

But these priests and high priests fell short of God's standards of perfection.  They themselves were sinners so all the hundreds of atoning sacrifices that were made over the 1000's of years could never ever fully satisfy.  Again, what was God to do?

God had proved to mankind that they sin; that they were incorrigible sinners and that no matter how many sacrifices they could make for themselves and others, they'd be right back at it again with no permanent recourse for sin.

That's when God then implemented His rescue plan of salvation.  He sent His Son Jesus, the perfect, blameless, sinless One to be our sacrifice by dying on the cross and going all the way to hell and back bearing the penalty for the sin of the whole human race; that penalty of death and hell.

Jesus paid it all!  In full!  His was the perfect sacrifice, made ONCE for all, for all time, making it perfect forever.  He is our Permanently Perfect Sacrifice.

As the words of a song from the 1800's goes:


"Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe, Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed me white as snow."

One of the verses of the song sings:

                                                        "When from my dying bed,

                                                        My ransomed soul shall rise,
                                                        "Jesus died my soul to save,"
                                                        Shall rend the vaulted skies."

                                                                        ~Elvina M. Hall~

We can now be clear of all the debt we needed to pay to God for our sin, if and when we accept His gift of salvation, personally.  We know all this, just be sure to combine it with faith in Jesus.  He extends the forgiveness of sins and eternal life with Him to one and all.  Won't you accept?

For those of us who have accepted--Wow!--What a mighty God we serve!  Take time to thank and praise Him.

Following is the comparison list between Jesus of Judah, and Aaron and sons of Levi. 

The Levitical priests had been a gift from God to the people of Israel (Leviticus 18:6,7).  Jesus is our Gift from God (John 3:16).   He now makes us (those who have accepted Him as their High Priest and Lord and Savior of their lives)  His royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).  Our job is to "be holy as He is holy" (1 Peter 1:15), "remembering that we belong to God and to declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9). 

 Praise Him for all He Has done; He is truly our Permanently Perfect Sacrifice for all time.

                                                                     ~ERC  2016~






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