Thursday, June 23, 2016

Morning Musings-Jesus the One to Praise and Worship

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

In the book of Hebrews it is noted that the connotation "GREATER than" is used frequently.  It appears first in chapter 1:4 where we see Jesus is "superior to angels;" He is "worthy of greater honor than Moses" (Hebrews 3:3); and in Hebrews 5:1-10 Jesus is revealed as the Perfect High Priest over all high priests that have ever lived.

Now we come to Hebrews 6:13-20 where we see that Jesus is greater than Abraham.  You can read about the life and times of Abraham, originally named Abram, in Genesis 11:10 all the way through to Genesis 25:1-11.  It's an amazing and wondrous story.  He had his human failings though, just as much as the rest of us, even lying to save his own skin while putting his wife Sarah at risk!  What kind of man does that!?  Yet God called him "a friend" (Isaiah 41:8 and James 2:23).  Abraham believed in God and His promises to him.

Abraham was a greatly revered patriarch of the Israelites ever as much as Moses was.  Both of these men, though renowned and highly venerated by the Hebrews,  had their weaknesses.  God is even greater than they were and is the one to be worshiped.

God sent His Son Jesus, the sinless One, to come to earth on our (human beings) behalf; to come and be our personal "High Priest, forever"  (Hebrews 6:20).  Jesus is God and we can fix our "hope" on Him "as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (vs 19).  "Take hold of this hope offered to you" and "be greatly encouraged."

Jesus can satisfy our deep and desperate inner longings.  He has done His atoning work for us.  He has paid the price for the sins of each and every one of us.  Jesus is "great and greatly to be praised", as one song puts it.  

In subsequent Morning Musings we will discover even more ways in which Jesus is so great and GREATER than any other.

For now, let us bow down and worship this Jesus Who alone, is the One worthy to be praised and worshiped.

                                                                 ~ERC  2016~

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