Thursday, June 30, 2016

Morning Musings-Superior Ministry Part 2

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

We have been learning that Jesus is GREATER than angels, Moses, the Levitical high priests/priests, Abraham, Melchizedek, and that He has a superior ministry as compared, again, to the Old Testament (OT) covenant of the high priests/priests being mediator for the sins of the people.

It was ascertained that Jesus Christ was sent by God as "the chosen of Israel".   He was to be mankind's High Priest who offered Himself as the One true permanently perfect sacrifice for all people for all sin for all time and eternity.

Jump all the way back to the beginning of time and take a look at the first man, Adam.  We learn he sinned (Genesis 3).  Adam imputed* his sin into all mankind (Romans 5:17, 19).  Then Jesus came. Jesus is blameless and holy.  God imputed, and still imputes, His righteousness into all who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior (Romans 3:22; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Romans 10:4; Jeremiah 23:6).

In Hebrews 9:1-10 we read that the external regulations, such as all the laws no matter how perfectly a person can keep them,  will still fail, and the laws and regulations don't and won't change that sinful mind or heart.  They may train but they don't change a person in any intrinsic way.

In Part 1 of Superior Ministry, we saw that the OT covenant provides an illustration only, to illustrate all that came with the new covenant when Jesus Christ came as the High Priest for all mankind.  (Some scholars call this 'typology' meaning an OT picture of a person and work of Christ such as Melchizedek being 'like the Son of God' [Hebrews 7]).

Verse 8 shows us the Holy Spirit of God, although active even then in OT times, was showing the way in to the Most Holy Place where God's presence rested, but as yet free access to one and all of God's children had not been fully disclosed.  The visual aid, the curtain or veil, blocked the way into that sacred place and was symbolic that 'The Way', Jesus, had not yet come and completed His work.

We now know that at Jesus's death that that curtain was torn in two revealing that Jesus well and truly was, and still is, "the Way," "the Truth," and "the Life" (John 14:6).  He is The Way to God and a relationship with Him.  Amen, praise the Lord, hallelujah!

He SHALL reign and we shall be with Him in His kingdom of righteousness (Isaiah 32).

"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow Praise Him all people here below Praise Him, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


                  (Author of song:  Anglican Bishop Thomas Ken; 1637-1711).

As contrast to the Aaronic high priests who had to bring the blood of animals, some for their own sins and some for the sins of the people to gain entrance into the Most Holy Place, Jesus, our High Priest entered "by His own blood" and that not for Himself but only for the people.  Read about it in Hebrews 9:11-28.  Jesus, Himself was  unblemished therefore didn't need any sacrificial blood for Himself.  That is why He was, and still is, that perfect sacrifice for our sins.

 Jesus made that "better sacrifice"--absolutely perfect sacrifice!  He was no proto-type, but the real thing.  And He did not enter a man-made Tabernacle BUT "entered heaven itself";  again, The Real Thing!  The real Most Holy Place--God's Home where all is perfect and Jesus did this "once for all to the end of the ages"; the last of the ages being everlasting!  

From all of these arguments and explanations the Hebrews should have been able to realize in a most definite way, that the 'old way' was no longer viable.  They should have been able to realize that God had brought them a new covenant that was ever so much GREATER than, ever so much more perfect than, any of their former way of life.  They should have been able to gratefully realize that Jesus was truly their High Priest with such a superior ministry that it would encompass them and all others of mankind with them.  Do you?

Thank-You, Jesus! 

*There are several connotations of the word "impute":  someone or something has or is guilty of something; represented as being done or caused; ascribed to someone by virtue of similar quality in another.    Synonym:  attribute or ascribe

                                                           ~ERC  2016~


Monday, June 27, 2016

Morning Musings-Superior Ministry Part 1

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Jesus's ministry in the "true tabernacle set up by the Lord" (verse 2 of Hebrews 8:1-13) is a "superior" one to the old covenant that God had with His people of Israel.  This makes the old way of relating to God "obsolete and aging" (vs 13).  The old had served its purpose in being "a copy and shadow of what was in heaven." You see, a visual aid had been needed for a 'hands on' experience since we frail human beings can't always comprehend the divine. God is gracious and merciful.

An important point to interject here in regards to the "superiority of Jesus's ministry is that  which cannot be emphasized enough.  Jesus completed His work, once for all, for all people, for all their sins, for all time since then til now and into eternity.  That is why verse 1 mentions that Jesus Our High Priest "sat down."  His work is completely finished.  He gets to sit. What a great place He gets to sit too; "the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven."

Now is the time when God's laws are written on men's hearts and minds; not on the tablets of stone (i.e. as were the 10 Commandments for the Israelites of Old Testament times).  The Holy Spirit Who is given to all who accept Jesus Christ as Savior and High Priest of God, aids and abets us to recall to mind, in a more instinctive manner (engraving in a spiritual DNA-concept) and so follow God's will and ways in a more natural outpouring of our lives rather than of a check list of obligations to fear and follow.  We are God's people together with the "chosen of Israel" to live, love and serve the one true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent and Who is our faithful High Priest, "made perfect forever." Follow Him.

                                                               ~ERC  2016~

Friday, June 24, 2016

Morning Musings-Our Permanently Perfect Sacrifice

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

These next few verses are so very interesting (Hebrews 7:11-28).  Compare the line of Jesus's ancestry to that of Aaron and sons' in regard to how they became high priests/priests and see what you can see. 

Jesus came from the line of Judah (not a tribe of priests) while Aaron and sons came from Levi (the designated priestly tribe).  Let's backtrack a bit first though...

These priests of Levi were 'the bridge' or mediators between God and mankind.  Why was it necessary to even have such a role prescribed?   This is due to mankind's sin.  There needs to be atonement (to make amends for wrong done; to remove guilt of man's sins; a way for mankind to come back into communion with God) for sin and sinners cannot have direct access to God.  So what are we to do?

God's answer was 'priests' which He set apart and consecrated with many rules and regulations to keep them 'holy' and wholly to provide a continual atoning link to Him.

The priests were to be the facilitators for the people of Israel to bring their sacrifices for their sins and their tithes and offerings to God (Leviticus 18). 

The high priest was to be the one in more direct communion with God, to meet God in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle and later in the Temple.  This he could only  do once per year and only if he brought a blood sacrifice for his own sins in one hand, and one for the sins of the people in the other.  Should he fail to do so he would have been struck down dead immediately (Leviticus 10:1-2).

But these priests and high priests fell short of God's standards of perfection.  They themselves were sinners so all the hundreds of atoning sacrifices that were made over the 1000's of years could never ever fully satisfy.  Again, what was God to do?

God had proved to mankind that they sin; that they were incorrigible sinners and that no matter how many sacrifices they could make for themselves and others, they'd be right back at it again with no permanent recourse for sin.

That's when God then implemented His rescue plan of salvation.  He sent His Son Jesus, the perfect, blameless, sinless One to be our sacrifice by dying on the cross and going all the way to hell and back bearing the penalty for the sin of the whole human race; that penalty of death and hell.

Jesus paid it all!  In full!  His was the perfect sacrifice, made ONCE for all, for all time, making it perfect forever.  He is our Permanently Perfect Sacrifice.

As the words of a song from the 1800's goes:


"Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe, Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed me white as snow."

One of the verses of the song sings:

                                                        "When from my dying bed,

                                                        My ransomed soul shall rise,
                                                        "Jesus died my soul to save,"
                                                        Shall rend the vaulted skies."

                                                                        ~Elvina M. Hall~

We can now be clear of all the debt we needed to pay to God for our sin, if and when we accept His gift of salvation, personally.  We know all this, just be sure to combine it with faith in Jesus.  He extends the forgiveness of sins and eternal life with Him to one and all.  Won't you accept?

For those of us who have accepted--Wow!--What a mighty God we serve!  Take time to thank and praise Him.

Following is the comparison list between Jesus of Judah, and Aaron and sons of Levi. 

The Levitical priests had been a gift from God to the people of Israel (Leviticus 18:6,7).  Jesus is our Gift from God (John 3:16).   He now makes us (those who have accepted Him as their High Priest and Lord and Savior of their lives)  His royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).  Our job is to "be holy as He is holy" (1 Peter 1:15), "remembering that we belong to God and to declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9). 

 Praise Him for all He Has done; He is truly our Permanently Perfect Sacrifice for all time.

                                                                     ~ERC  2016~






Morning Musings-Is Melchizedek, Jesus?

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Melchizedek is introduced to us here in Hebrews 7:1-10 (read from 6:16 onward).  He was the "king of Salem and the priest of God Most High" (7:1).  His name means "king of righteousness".  'Salem' means "peace," so he was king of righteousness and peace.  His ancestry could not be traced as he was without father or mother.  Quite mysterious.  He had no beginning nor end of days and was "like the Son of God and remains priest forever".  

He is obviously greater than Abraham as Abraham gave him obeisance and the tithe, a tenth of the plunder he'd gotten from his recent rescue mission to get his nephew Lot back from an invading alliance of kings (Genesis 14).  

Who is this Melchizedek?  Is he Jesus?  Was he the manifestation of God a way back then?  Why would Abraham give him obeisance and tithes to him?  Why does it say in 6:20, Jesus became a high priest forever "in the order of Melchizedek?"  In Hebrews 7:3 we read that Melchizedek was "like the Son of God" and that "he remains a priest forever."

In Mathematics if A = B, and B = C, therefore A should = C.  However, one must see a key word here; 7:3 states "LIKE the Son of God" which denotes very, very similar but not exactly the same.

If you go on line you'll find a very good article in answer to this question, "Is Melchizedek, Jesus?"  It gives a very comprehensive answer, here's the address.  It's rather long but the explanation is beautiful and written by John MacArthur of Grace to You.  Please go and have a read of it.

One should interject here too that Jesus is NOT a reincarnation of Melchizedek either.  There is no such thing as reincarnation to begin with and that's a whole other topic for some other time.

Why would the Holy Spirit work through the author of Hebrews to bring up the subject of Melchizedek?  As mentioned in an earlier blog, it was noted that Abraham was a great man but that Jesus is even greater.  

Here, in chap 7 it reminds the Hebrews that Abraham gave obeisance to Melchizedek and also a tithe.  Melchizedek blesses Abraham as "the lesser person is blessed by the greater" (vs 7),

Melchizedek was "LIKE the Son of God.  Jesus is the Son of God, He is NOT the type, as was Melchizedek but rather the full-fledged High Priest of God who "became the guarantee of a better covenant" (vs 22) and has the "power of an indestructible life" (vs 16).

This all impacts the Jewish (Hebrew) mind and they would have been compelled to admit that Jesus is more than just a man and a great prophet, but would need to turn to Him in faith and acknowledge that Jesus is the One and Only High Priest for them.  Jesus being the Way to God.

Go and have a read of the Grace to You explanation; it will be well worth your time.  It's well written and enlightening.  When you discover that Jesus is truly the High Priest and the Most High God, humbly bow to Him and make Him your personal High Priest.  He is ever waiting for you.  Admit you are a sinner.  Admit that Jesus is the One who can make atonement for you.  Ask Him to do so.  Repent of your sins.  "The blood of Jesus Christ cleans from all sin." (1 John 1:7).  Thank Him.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Morning Musings-Jesus the One to Praise and Worship

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

In the book of Hebrews it is noted that the connotation "GREATER than" is used frequently.  It appears first in chapter 1:4 where we see Jesus is "superior to angels;" He is "worthy of greater honor than Moses" (Hebrews 3:3); and in Hebrews 5:1-10 Jesus is revealed as the Perfect High Priest over all high priests that have ever lived.

Now we come to Hebrews 6:13-20 where we see that Jesus is greater than Abraham.  You can read about the life and times of Abraham, originally named Abram, in Genesis 11:10 all the way through to Genesis 25:1-11.  It's an amazing and wondrous story.  He had his human failings though, just as much as the rest of us, even lying to save his own skin while putting his wife Sarah at risk!  What kind of man does that!?  Yet God called him "a friend" (Isaiah 41:8 and James 2:23).  Abraham believed in God and His promises to him.

Abraham was a greatly revered patriarch of the Israelites ever as much as Moses was.  Both of these men, though renowned and highly venerated by the Hebrews,  had their weaknesses.  God is even greater than they were and is the one to be worshiped.

God sent His Son Jesus, the sinless One, to come to earth on our (human beings) behalf; to come and be our personal "High Priest, forever"  (Hebrews 6:20).  Jesus is God and we can fix our "hope" on Him "as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (vs 19).  "Take hold of this hope offered to you" and "be greatly encouraged."

Jesus can satisfy our deep and desperate inner longings.  He has done His atoning work for us.  He has paid the price for the sins of each and every one of us.  Jesus is "great and greatly to be praised", as one song puts it.  

In subsequent Morning Musings we will discover even more ways in which Jesus is so great and GREATER than any other.

For now, let us bow down and worship this Jesus Who alone, is the One worthy to be praised and worshiped.

                                                                 ~ERC  2016~

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Morning Musings-On to Maturity

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast... the end of Hebrews chapter 5 we saw the admonition to those who had received Jesus Christ as Savior and High Priest but had not matured in their spiritual growth and faith in Christ.  They had not been constantly using God's Word nor had they allowed it to train them, nor be able to distinguish good from evil.

In the Hebrews chapter 6:1-12 portion today we see a continuation of that rebuke.  Here is an encouragement to "leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity" (vs 1).

There is a condition though in that many may only have "tasted" the goodness of God and been enlightened (vs 4-5) but had not "combined this with faith;"  therefore, all their knowledge and 'tastes' of God have been of no value to them (Hebrews 4:2).   Many children who grow up in Christian homes have had a wealth of this type of 'enlightenment' from God's Word.  This is a wonderful privilege; don't let it go to waste.  Have faith in God and in Jesus's finished work for you on the cross.

For many in the Hebrews' time there had been enlightenment, but no repentance and no faith.  An example of such was Judas Iscariot during Jesus's time on earth.  He walked with Jesus and the other eleven disciples for about 3 years.  He had heard all of Jesus's teachings, had seen the miracles and even likely had performed some himself.   Yet his latter end was remorse and suicide.  He had not combined his knowledge and experience with repentance and faith.  He had "tasted" but had not "chewed and swallowed."

If anyone professes faith in Christ but shows little evidence of maturity, others will wonder if there is a true declaration of said faith in Jesus Christ.  However, God is the One to know the hearts so we cannot judge.  The book of James tells us though that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:14-26).

Evidence of faith as seen in Hebrews 6:7-8 is fruit and the production of a useful crop.  Hebrews 6:9-12 describes what accompanies salvation:  character (Christ-like); diligence, good works, helping others in His kingdom; perseverance despite persecution.  The person will hold true to the faith despite fear; they will overcome fear. Faith and patience will aid them to inherit what was promised.

The good seed of God's Word falls on many just as rain falls on all types of ground.  The rain produces two reactions:  fruitfulness and unfruitfulness.  A crop useful to the farmer and others is a blessing but unfruitful thorns and thistles are destined to be cursed and burned.

So too, God's Word falls on many.  They 'taste' the goodness and are enlightened.  Some receive it and combine it with faith (Hebrews 4:2) producing good and mature fruit in their life.  Others have the same benefits but are not stirred to repentance nor have combined their knowledge with faith and so "fall away" (6:6).

As the Hebrews were exhorted to do, "show the very end", my sons, and "imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." (vs 11, 12).  The promised hope of eternal life with Christ is forever.  Strive on to maturity in your spiritual growth and faith in Christ Jesus; cling on to Him from now until the end of your life's journey.  May God bless you all always in your efforts for Him.  Amen.

                                                                ~ERC  2016~

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Morning Musings-Jesus, Our Perfect High Priest

 Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

High priests of Old Testament caliber were not self-designated; they were selected.  They were "called by God," we learn from Hebrews 5:1-14 (especially vs 4).  They had several duties.  Among those duties was the all important one, that of representing the people "in matters related to God" (vs 1).  He was to also "offer gifts and sacrifices for sins" (vs1).

These high priests were to "deal gently" with the populace of Israel and be aware that they themselves have weaknesses every bit as much as the people.  From this we ascertain the reason for
offering up the sacrifices for sin.  The high priest must offer for his own sinful deeds first and only then for those of the people's.  He must do both.

When Jesus came along, He too did not chose Himself.  God chose Him (vs 4-6, 10).  He was, and still is, our perfect High Priest.  He was without sin yet He fulfilled all righteousness (Matthew 3:15):  in baptism; in obedience to God, His Father; learned obedience from suffering; and was reverently submissive (vs 7-10) to God.

Jesus acquitted Himself with perfection.  Therefore God could choose His Son Jesus to be our High Priest; to be our "source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him" (vs9, 10).

Jesus differed from the earthly high priests in that He had NO sin and as a result He did not have to offer up even one sacrifice for His own sins.  This is why Jesus offering of Himself as our sacrifice is so fulfilling and satisfying to God (Isaiah 53:11) and it "sticks", so to speak.  Jesus is our "source of eternal salvation" (vs 9).

Jesus is GREATER than and better than the high priests of yore.

The Hebrews to whom this letter was written knew all this.  Sad to say they hadn't matured in their faith and spiritual life despite Jesus's perfect sacrifice for them.  They were rebuked for still needing "spoon feeding".

They should have been mature "meat eaters" by this time.  They should have "trained themselves with God's Word" by "constant use" thereof.  They should have been able to distinguish good from evil" but they could not.  They should have been able to internalize God's Word, with God's help, by this time and in turn be of help to others.  They could not. 

Are we any better?  We need to examine ourselves in this.  If not, why not?  Parents like to see their children grow and mature.  God does too.

In 1 Peter 2:9 we read that we who are in Christ (those who have that eternal salvation) are "a chosen people, a royal priesthood...belonging to God."  I conclude from this that each individual who belongs to God is a priest; not only that, but "a royal" one (we are children of the King Most High).  The emphasis here in this writing  is to focus on the priesthood.  We are to be interceding for those who are still in their sins. We can never make atonement for anyone but we can pray for those not yet "in Christ" and be Christ-like in our attitudes, character and conduct so that through us, others will be attracted to Christ and become God's children along with us.  Point others to Jesus.

We have the responsibility to mature from the moment of salvation to the time Jesus calls us to heaven; be it through our own death or by 'rapture' (read more about rapture from an earlier blog). 

It is our obligation to mature in our Christian life and faith as we need to teach others of God's will and ways (vs12).  Grow up!  We ought to be teachers..."in matters relating to God" (vs 1).  So let's get on with the job:  mature and teach.  Point others to Jesus Christ.  This is our priestly duty in honor of Jesus our perfect High Priest.  He sacrificed so much for us, will we for Him?

                                                              ~ERC  2016~

Monday, June 20, 2016

Morning Musings-Honest Examination

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Read Hebrews 4:1-16.

Open your hearts.  Let God's Word penetrate deeply into them; into every niche and cranny.  Be open and honest before the God of Heaven and Earth.  He is the one who loves you and cares about you, don't be afraid to trust Him with microscopic examination of all your thoughts and intents of your heart.  Whatever needs the light of Jesus to show you what needs to be eradicated, bow humbly before Him and eradicate it.  What ever is of Him can stay.  

Be honest with examining yourselves against the standard of God's Word.  Whether you do so now or later, you will all have to give account of your actions to God one day.  It's best to do so sooner rather than later.  Later may be too late.  Is what was said or done for God's glory or for your own? 

After each examination, let it lead you to "holding firmly to your faith you profess" (vs 14).  Our High Priest, who was spoken of in an earlier blog about "fixing your thoughts...", is faithful.  He went through many of the things we have gone through but praise the Lord, He never sinned throughout His time on earth, or anywhere else, for that matter.  He knows and has felt all that we feel now.  So He empathizes and sympathizes with our weaknesses but there are still no excuses to not live according to God's Word.  We have God's Word to lead and guide us and His Holy Spirit living within us to aid us.  Allow Him to do His work within you.

God's grace is also at our disposal to help overcome fears and other obstacles in life.  We have His mercy to forgive us when we fail that can lead us to repentance and reconciliation in our time of need.  

Pray and ask for God's help, grace and mercy so you can give a good account of yourself to God.  You can then be a good and faithful testimony for Him.  Honest examination is the key.

Father God, I know that we can put our faith and hope and trust in You.  You are the ever faithful one.  You are the great and mighty God.  Yet I'm so thankful that you know that we are but human beings and that we have weaknesses.  Yet you are a forgiving God.  You have graciously given us your Word so we can know what You want of us, and when we examine ourselves in the light of it, we can repent and line ourselves up to Your will and ways that you have for us to be and to follow.  Help us not to be afraid to examine ourselves honestly in light of your Word.  Thank-you for Your ever offered forgiveness.  You do this out of your love for each and every one of us.  Thank-you so much.  In Jesus, our High Priest's Name, I pray.  Amen.

                                                                ~ERC  2016~

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Morning Musings-Fix Your Thoughts

 Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Fix your thoughts on Jesus.  Meditate on Him as Apostle, our High Priest and as the Faithful One; He is worthy of greater honor than anyone or anything else.  The Hebrews revered Moses who was a very great leader of the Israelites (You can read the fascinating story throughout the book of Exodus).  Yet, the writer of Hebrews is telling them that...
...Jesus is GREATER than Moses!

So just stop and ponder a while.  Why is Jesus called "Apostle"?  Apostle means 'sent one'.    God sent Jesus from Heaven to be the Savior of the world.  Fix your thoughts on that!!  Thank Him for it if you have indeed made Jesus your Savior.  If you have not, don't wait.  God sent Jesus for you!  He wants to be the savior of your soul.  

High Priest.  Why is Jesus referred to as 'High Priest'?  What did the High Priest do in the Old Testament Judaism times?  The high priest was to be the mediator between the people and God.  He could only go into the most holy place of the tabernacle (the meeting place with God) once a year.  To enter that most holy place he could only do so when he had the blood of an animal in each hand; one for the atonement of his own sins and the other for the sins of the people.  He had to do so yearly.  

With Jesus, He shed His blood once, for all people for all time for all sin, as my father always used to like to tell us.  He is our mediator between God and us.  "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins..." (Hebrews 9:22; see also Leviticus 17:11).  Jesus shed His blood on the cross and it is "The blood of Jesus that cleans us from all sin." (1 John 1:7).  Thus, fix your thoughts on Jesus being our High Priest.  Let Him be your High Priest.  Ask Him now.

God has kept His promises.  Jesus is God.  He is ever faithful.  "He never fails." (Zephaniah 3:5).  We also know that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8).  He is the Faithful One.  Jesus was faithful to God.  God sent Him as His Apostle and Jesus was faithful to fulfill all God had asked Him to accomplish on this earth; the securing of our salvation by being our High Priest.  (John 17:1-5).  "Moses was faithful as God's servant but Jesus was faithful as God's Son! (Hebrews 3:1-19 esp vs 5, 6)  Again we can say that Jesus is greater than Moses.  Would you not say that Jesus is faithful?  Fix your thoughts on that.  Trust Him.

The writer of the book of Hebrews told them, and us, that the Holy Spirit tells us all not to harden our hearts against Jesus.  When we hear His voice, listen.  He is our Apostle, High Priest, and He is faithful.   Hold on firmly to Jesus.  Fix your thoughts on Jesus.

                                                                ~ERC  2016~

Friday, June 17, 2016

Morning Musings-Pay Careful Attention

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Like I said before, angels are fascinating creatures.  People generally look up to them and will trust what they say.  If they are the good ones, I believe we can trust them.  If they are a fallen angel, BEWARE!  If we are enthralled with, and would trust and believe, these wondrous creatures, why would we not trust the One who made them even more?  Hebrews 2:1 asks this question.  

Chapter one of Hebrews tells us that Jesus, the Son of God is the One who speaks to us now.  We need to pay attention so we do not drift away from Him.  We have heard the message of Jesus; received it; testified to it by signs and wonders, miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit just as those Hebrews had before us.  What greater evidence than that did they, or even do we, need that this salvation, a gift from God through Jesus Christ God's Son, is the real thing?  We cannot afford to ignore it.

Persecution may come.  Persevere.  We have all the right reasons as mentioned above to continue on.  Keep on, keeping on.

The author of Hebrews is saying that God is still in control and He is there for you despite the persecution and anything else you may encounter in life.  Jesus, His Son, went through all that.  Jesus is still 
the Savior of our souls.  He came to destroy the power of sin and 
death.  He felt what you may have felt or even feel at present.  He too was tempted, yet did not succumb to the temptations.  He knows; He understands.  He is still present and able to free all from the slavery of the power of sin and of death and the fear of death.  We can be victorious as He was victorious with His help.

No angels ever did that sort of thing for human beings.  

Jesus is GREATER than the angels.

What has He done?

Jesus has broken the power of sin and death.

He has broken the power of the curse of sin in a fallen world.  Even the animals can't escape that curse.  They get sick and decrepit and die as we human beings do yet they have no soul to save.  So this message is very important for us human beings to pay careful attention to.  No matter how good-living a person may be, each and every person in the whole wide world still needs Jesus.  

They/We need Jesus' help to remove the death penalty from ourselves no matter what.  You get born into this world; you are a sinner doomed to hell. We sin, we suffer, we die, we are on our way to hell.  We are all on 'death row' but Jesus shows us the pardon in the nail marks in His hands and feet and the spear piercing in His side to offer all who will receive His gift of love for the individual.  We can't help ourselves.  There is no way to work enough to pay for those sins ourselves.  Jesus did it all.  Why not let Him give you that salvation?

                                                                    ~ERC  2016~

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Connecting Hearts on Father's Day and Beyond....

Father's Day 2016 is just around the corner.  It's a day to honor our respective fathers.  Of course it's good to honor him all year round; that should go without saying.  With some fathers that may be a difficult task.  However, with others it is most likely a joy. 

How do we go about it?  There are many ways, among them are:  obeying, showing respect; helping in some way such as washing their car or clothes or even helping to prepare his hunting gear.  Ha, ha.

Here's a story of two sons and a father.  The older son stayed home to help till the ground and and stay by the stuff.  He appeared to be a very filial son.

The younger son was a whole different ball game altogether.  He did not behave himself so well.  He was rather greedy and rude.  He demanded his inheritance from his father "asap" and ran away from home with his 'loot'.  He wanted to be free of home encumbrances to do as he pleased, 'living it up'.

Most of you may already know this story which can be found in the New Testament of the Bible in Luke 15:11-32.  The younger son did not want to obey or respect his father.  He said, "Give!"  So rude.  So disrespectful!

The Father loved this son just as much as he loved the older 'obedient' son but he knew his younger son needed to learn a lesson.  So he gave his son all that $$.  The younger son grabbed it and galloped away.  He did not share with his family rather ran far, far away from home.

Oh he had a glorious time at first.  He spent $$ here.  He spent $$ there.  He ate and drank and laughed.  He got lots of friends and they ate, drank, and laughed together with him.  It was one big party.

Sound like fun?  No parents.  No need to listen and obey.  Just play and have fun.

Uh...oh!   His pockets and wallet are empty!!  NO MORE MONEY!!

All those 'friends' deserted him.  They did not want to be friends anymore.  They were not true friends.  They had only wanted the food, drink and laughs.

Now look at him.  No more $$.  No more friends.  No more food.  The younger son got hungry.  He got hungrier and hungrier.  And hungrier!!

Do you think he wanted to repent and go home?

NOPE!  He's still thinking he can "do it himself".

He got a job feeding pigs!!  He was so hungry he even wanted to eat the pig's food.  What an awful place to find himself; in a pigsty!! 

Only now he begins to think of how bad he'd been.  "I have done wrong.  I was greedy.  That's wrong.  I was rude to my Dad.  That's wrong.  I was NOT obedient.  I did not share.  I did not respect my Dad.  That's wrong.  That's SIN!!

What should he do now?  

He decided to go home and tell his father, "Father I did wrong.  I sinned against God and you.  I'm very sorry.  Please forgive me, Daddy!!  I should no longer be your son.  Let me be one of your servants."

You see...God turned the son's heart to the father.  He needed his father.

So the younger son trudged on home...he walked and he walked and he walked back home.

What did the father do?

Did he get a big stick to beat some sense into him?  Show his anger at the son for being so greedy, rude, disrespectful and disobedient?

NO!!  He didn't do that at all!

The father loved the son every bit as much as he did the stay-at-home elder brother.  He loved him and had been watching for him to come home.

That day he was rewarded for his lookout vigilance.  His son was coming back.  The son's clothes were ragged and smelly.  His face was streaked with dirt.  He looked really skinny and hungry.  He had no shoes.

The father ran and ran to meet his son and gave him a great big hug!  The father kissed the son.  He knew his son had learned a lesson.

God turned the father's heart to the son's heart.

The son was still far away but he did see his Dad running and running towards him.  He was glad but he still had to say sorry to his father.  When his father hugged him he said, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and you.  I am no longer worthy to be called your son!"  Don't call me son anymore, Papa.

But God had turned the father's heart to the son's heart.

The father did not punish him.  The father said to the servants:  "Bring the best robe.  Bring the ring.  Bring the sandals.  Go get ready...we are going to have a welcome home party for my younger son; he's home.  He's home!  He's home!!

So God turned the father's heart to his son and the son's heart to the father's.

God is our heavenly Father.  He has turned His heart to you.  He wants you to know that He loves you very much but that you are also a sinner.  You have done wrong.  He wants you to come to Him in repentance.  Turn your heart towards God.  Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life.  If you already belong to Him but have drifted away, there is still time to turn your heart back to Him.  Do it today and have a truly wonderful connection with Him.

God will have a party in Heaven with His angels over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:7, 10).  Turn your hearts to Jesus today.

Are you right with God?

May you also be right with your own respective earthly father no matter what they've done. No matter whether you are a son or a daughter and no matter what you have done.  Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things to do but with God all things are possible (Mark 10:27).  

I want to conclude with the verse from Malachi 4:6 a, b.

Connect your hearts with your father and with your children this Father's Day and beyond...

                                Have a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY all you Dad's out there!

                                                                    ~ERC  2016~

 God and the Ancient Chinese by Samuel Wang and Ethel R. Nelson, Read Books Publisher (1998)

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Morning Musings-GREATER Than >

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

In times past God spoke to us through His prophets whom we can 'meet' in the Old Testament and even in the likes of John the Baptist.  Then Jesus came.  Jesus, God's one and only Son.  Now we hear Jesus speak to us.  The Son, Jesus, "is the exact representation of God's being," He is the "radiance of God's glory" so we learn in Hebrews 1.  He is God.  So it is very safe to say that Jesus is GREATER than the prophets and even John the Baptist.

Human beings are great.  We've been made in the image of God (see Genesis 1:27).  But, as human beings, we fail miserably.  Jesus had to provide "purification for sins";  our sins!  He did this through His death and resurrection. The prophecy of Isaiah 53:10-11 has been fulfilled:  Jesus's suffering; poured out His life; numbered with the transgressors; bore our sin, the sin of transgressors.  Now His work is done and He sits at the "right hand of the Majesty in heaven"; God, His Father.   Again, it is very safe to say that Jesus is GREATER than human beings.

Everybody loves angels.  We are often mesmerized by the idea of them.  Some people have even seen them and/or been helped by them in some miraculous ways. They are good and mighty creatures.  Yes, you read that correctly..."creatures".  They are created beings as are human beings.  They are bigger and stronger than human beings  (just read some of the things they can do in the book of Revelation).

Angels worship God.  They are His servants (winds and flames of fires).  They work on God's behalf to bring people to Christ; "ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14).  Messages spoken by these good angels are binding (Hebrews 2:2).  Yet, Jesus was given preeminence over all (Matthew 28:18 and John 13:3).  

God and His Son Jesus are one.  Jesus is God.  (John 10:30 and John 17:21).  We see also here in Hebrews 1:8, that the son, Jesus, is addressed as God.  It is more than safe to say Jesus is GREATER than angels!! 

 Praise God for He is great and so is His Son, Jesus Christ!  He is GREATER than any other.  Let us join the angels and worship Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord for He is God.

                                                                   ~ERC  2016~

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Morning Musings-True Freedom

  Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Philemon must have been a rather decent chap.  He was asked to forgive.  When his slave Onesimus ran away, he also must have stolen some items, likely even some money.  Paul, the writer of the epistle to Philemon, leaves the ball in Philemon's park when he sent Onesimus back to him telling him to do the "proper thing" and to treat him as a "brother beloved"!

We are getting ahead of ourselves though...God's hand can be seen upon Onesimus, the run away slave's life.  Onesimus wanted his freedom for what ever reason.  Running away however, was not true freedom; he had to always be looking over his shoulder for fear of arrest and if arrested, then, of being put to death.  Runaway slaves were punished with death.  In all, he was not very free.

God arranged an appointment for Onesimus and wonder of wonders he ran right smack dab into Paul!  Oh no!  Not Paul!  Paul knows his master!  No freedom.  Imprisoned.  Maybe he thought, "I want to die!  Hide me!"  But now Onesimus is compelled by God and now Onesimus gets true freedom.  With his own efforts Onesimus got himself into worse imprisonment but with God, he gained true freedom of heart, soul and spirit.

He eventually got freedom from the prison but not yet of his own earthly master.  Paul sends Onesimus right back to Philemon.  He must suffer the consequences of his actions.  We learn though, that Onesimus does obtain further freedom by the grace of God and the grace of God 
working in Philemon.

  Philemon, although greatly compelled by Paul to release Onesimus, must have also been a person of Christ-like forgiveness.  These were times where slaves were considered a man's property and they could do more or less what they liked with them.  Certainly, punishment for running away and stealing from the master would not be light.  

We can see from Colossians 4:9 that Philemon must have extended forgiveness to Onesimus and what's more, given him freedom from his slavery.  He released him to Paul for the gospel and Paul's ministry.  Onesimus, the once useless slave, was now a useful slave of God's and to righteousness through Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection.

My sons, when you leave home...remember that there is only true freedom in Christ.  He'll be with you wherever you go waiting for you to live for Him.  Waiting for you to submit to Him and to be His 'slave' to obey His will for your life and to work for Him, serving Him according to the plan He has for you.  God didn't take His eye off Onesimus and He won't take His eye off you even if you try to break away from Him.  He cares about you and loves you.

You might want freedom from parents and home but there's still God.  Earthly parents make mistakes and are imperfect.  God, our Heavenly Father, is perfect.  He never makes mistakes.  Put your life into His hands.  Therein is true freedom.

                                                                 ~ERC 2016~