Sunday, November 5, 2023

Righteous Inheritance

 "...but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land" Psalm 37:9 NIV.

Those who hope in the Lord may need to wait for His timing but they will inherit the land, as you can see from the verse above.

The Israelites hadn't yet inherited the land while they were still stumbling about in the wilderness.  It was their hope to enter the Promised Land.  It did eventually happen.  Each place they set their foot, they inherited (see Deuteronomy 11:24).  They hoped, they waited, and they inherited.

The psalmist David reflected on this.  If you read more of Psalm 37 you'll see his longing, his hope of living in a place minus the evil doers and wicked.  He wanted to inherit a place for the righteous.

In time to come, we will inherit such a place.  It's called 'with Christ', in Heaven. 

It is a sure hope even if we can't as yet see it with our natural eyes.

Our faith needs to kick in.  Faith being the evidence of things not yet seen (see Hebrews 11:1, 2).  It has been promised by God so we wait.  We hope and one day we will inherit.  We will live in our 'Promised Land' along with Jesus our Redeemer and Savior.  This is the place we long for - a place of all righeousness where no wicked or wickedness exists.

Praise the Lord!

Lord Jesus, I put my hope in You.  I will patiently wait for Your return to bring us up to be with You in Heaven, our 'Promised Land".  It will be so good to be in that place of righteousness.  Thank You for this inheritance.

In Your name I praise You.

                                                           ~ERC  November 2023~

Based on Psalm 37:9 NIV.

Sing, Beulah Land, along with the Gatihers.

Photo credits go to Cornelia Ionescu.

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