Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Book Review - The Greatest Thing (Book 1) - By Patti Flinn - Publication Date 30 November 2023

 Words almost cannot express how GOOD this book is!  The reader will see everything through the eyes of Louis-Benoit Zamor.  This makes the narrative so poignant, so real, since most of the action is happening to and from him.  This, at least, is what I felt.

The story is set in France pre-revolution years and the scenario that led up to it with the Jacobins and National Assembly.  Zamor, a real-to-life person, pushes anti-slavery and equal rights.  Even though there are other true-to-life characters, I believe this is a work of well-garnered historical fiction.

Readers who care about the slave trade, human trafficking and all contingent with the abolition of such wickedness will, in my opinion, want to read this book.

There is one caution to potential readers.  There is much debauchery, orgies and the like described, so I just want to mention this on the aside, incase anyone may be adverse to reading about it.

This is Book 1 and when I came to the end I wanted to immediately delve into Book 2.  I eagerly await it.

I've given this author a 5 Star rating.

                                        ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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