Monday, November 6, 2023

Going Bananas


In a particular African country where poverty and hunger are not strangers, was a hawker-stall lady selling bananas.  Compassionate people bought some of those bananas and began to climb into their vehicle to go on their way.  The banana seller had other ideas.  She felt they hadn't bought enough and so pressed more upon them.  The banana buyers received them to the satisfaction of the seller.  They then made their way to the next village.

In this village they gave out bananas.  You guessed it, because of the "extra" bananas, there was just enough for each child to get one banana.  It was the perfect number orchestrated by the Lord.  If they had been content with only buying the lesser number of bananas, there wouldn't have been enough to go around.

Human wisdom fell short.  God's wisdom compelled the banana seller to insist on more bananas.  Thankfully, the banana buyers wisely accepted the "extras".  It would have been foolish otherwise.

"What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we many understand what God has freely given us" (1 Corinthians 2:12 NIV).

Even as believers we quite possibly will not understand God's wisdom, which may well seem foolish to us human beings.  Thankfully, we have the Holy Spirit to help teach us.  His Spirit helps ours to understand, as with the extra bananas.

It is a miracle that we have God's Holy Spirit indwelling those of us who have put our trust in Jesus.  Holy Spirit leads and guides us as we read God's word in which we find wisdom from God.  The Holy Spirit helps us understand.

It is best to listen to Holy Spirit's guidance over and above our own spirit and even the 'spirit of the world'.  The so-called worldly wisdom will always fall short no matter how foolish it may seem to not follow human wisdom standards.

Even in simple things like the number of bananas one buys, we should listen to Holy Spirit's voice.  When we listen and are governed even in "small" things, such as this, we can be taught to then accept the spiritual realities, as Paul had taught the Corinthians through 

"spirit-taught words"  (1 Corinthians 2:13 NIV).

Omniscient Father God, thank You for Your wisdom which despite our thinking it's 'foolish' at times, that we graciously accept and humbly be willing to be taught thereby and to understand through Holy Spirit teachings.  Help us to become ever more sensitive to hearing His voice and following Your wisdom.  May we walk by faith, accept the "extra bananas" and be wise.  In Jesus name I ask.

                                                ~ERC  October 2023~

Based on 1 Corinthians 1 and 2 especially 2:12 NIV.

Sing, By Faith, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty and Too Good to Not Believe, along with Brandon Lake.

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